Deci s-a dus dracului si avantajul pretului pt AMD ... in plus nici nu au un bundle ...
cine spunea ca AMD sunt pro consumers si ca ofera superperformanta la preturi mai mici???
"Newegg launched AIB cards and the price markup was beyond premium.
XFX- $800
Red Devil - $800
For the Nitro (nonRGB) - $770
Nitro- $829"
"I live in Germany and went to all of the vendors that are listed on AMD's website. I found these 11 cards and they weren't even in stock at launch time. They beat Nvidia again, but this time in a negative way, even less availability at launch.
-Asus ROG Strix Liquid Cooled 6800XT: 1086.05€
-Asus TUF 6800XT: 953.94€
-Nitro+ 6800XT OC SE: 971.50€
-Nitro+ 6800XT OC: 942.50€
-Gigabyte Gaming OC 6800XT 935.25€
-Gigabyte 6800XT: 910.60€
-Asus ROF Strix 6800: 858.40€
-Asus TUF 6800: 833.75€
-Nitro+ Radeon RX 6800 OC: 826.50€
-Gigabyte Gaming OC 6800: 822.15€
-Gigabyte 6800: 797.50€" repeta povestea Radeon VII: release la un MSRP si apoi ... boom, luati cu paine ca e jale ...
Sa-i mai vad pe aia care-mi spuneau ca de ce nu astept, sa astept pt ce? Inca un paper launch pentru un produs mai slab si mai scump? Nu merci.