Nu intrati in panica, DXR poate fi rulat de pe orice placa care stie de DX12 si async compute, a si sa nu uitam trebuie sa aiba suficienti GFLOPS :
" You may have noticed that DXR does not introduce a new GPU engine to go alongside DX12’s existing Graphics and Compute engines. This is intentional – DXR workloads can be run on either of DX12’s existing engines. The primary reason for this is that, fundamentally, DXR is a compute-like workload. It does not require complex state such as output merger blend modes or input assembler vertex layouts. A secondary reason, however, is that representing DXR as a compute-like workload is aligned to what we see as the future of graphics, namely that hardware will be increasingly general-purpose, and eventually most fixed-function units will be replaced by HLSL code. "
Deci ce v-a vandut NVIDIA pana la seria 20XX ar trebui totusi sa mearga daca cumva nu au uitat sa implementeze anumite tehnologi obscure pe care doar AMD la promova pana azi .