Author Topic: Seria Assassin's Creed  (Read 26834 times)

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Offline duke_zz

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #60 on: 04 October 2018, 16:02 »
esti putin cam dramatic :)
daca nu esti colectionar, nu are de ce sa te deranjeze lipsa unui plic de plastic si a unui disc.

au cam trecut vremurile alea, cel putin pentru PC.  Eu nu mai am DVD-ROM sau floppy de vreo 6-7 ani si nici nu am simtit nevoia de asa ceva
« Last Edit: 04 October 2018, 16:12 by duke_zz »

Offline KodiaK

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #61 on: 04 October 2018, 17:28 »
skyfallout, stai linistit ca in cazul unui razboi cibernetic, in care sa pice internetul, ultima ta problema va fi ca nu ai ce sa te joci :))
Iar in vreo 10 ani maxim, nici nu cred ca or sa mai existe jocuri/software in format fizic. Probabil doar niste collector's editions in care mai primesti si altceva in cutie in afara de disc.
Eu personal cumpar in format fizic doar daca e mai ieftin decat digital. Ultimul joc fizic fiind Witcher III ;)

Pt cine are rabdare, un "scurt" rezumat al francizei AC.

Mie personal imi place unde s-a ajuns, iar pe Origins il consider unul dintre cele mai bune din serie, insa dupa Odyssey astept schimbari majore. Daca vin cu un Origins 3.0 o sa fiu tare dezamagit.
« Last Edit: 04 October 2018, 17:32 by KodiaK »
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM

Offline edlund

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #62 on: 05 October 2018, 09:56 »
Ma dispera animatia de asasinare, in loc sa fie ceva discret, bagi pumnalul si il tragi, face ala tumbe pe acolo de iese doi metri in zona de vizibilitate.

Post Merge: 05 October 2018, 10:57
A, si tot la chestii penale, daca omori pe unul intr-o zona prin asasinare si il ascunzi, vin baietii din tabara respectiva unul dupa celalalt sa se aseze in locul lui. POti sa stai intr-un tufis langa o poarta, si daca ai suficienta rabdare, iifluieri sa vina si ii omori pe toti acolo, sa incercati daca nu ma credeti.
Cred ca sunt maxim zece fete in tot jocul, ai tot timpul senzatia ca ai mai stat de vorba cu npc-ul respectiv.

In rest, este un Origins updatat, cu alta poveste. Questul principal e tot telenovelistic, dar cadrul, perioada, mitologia, il fac foarte placut pentru mine, trecand peste minusuri. Cutsceneurile sunt mult mai bine facute ca cinematografie, lipsyncul si animatia fetelor...mai putin.

Cred ca e de un 8 pentru mine, in conditiile in care Origins ar fi de 9 (Origins e mai prost per ansamblu dar asta e doar un reskin al lui, deci ala a avut impactul mai mare) si Witcher 3 de 10. :)

Post Merge: 05 October 2018, 10:59
Later edit: Hai sa zic de 9.5 Witcherul, ca a avut si ala chestii care m-au deranjat, nu a fost absolut perfect, dar e cea mai mare nota pe care as da-o unui joc.
« Last Edit: 05 October 2018, 10:59 by edlund »

Offline Raziel01

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #63 on: 05 October 2018, 12:55 »
Are TW3 defectele lui, destul de multe chiar, dar Origins e departe de el. Origins reuseste sa fie mai bun doar pe partea de combat (un obiectiv nu foarte greu de atins, sa nu se inteleaga cumva ca Origins are un combat nemaipomenit).
« Last Edit: 05 October 2018, 12:57 by Raziel01 »

Offline KodiaK

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #64 on: 05 October 2018, 14:26 »
Un mic ghid pt cei cu probleme de perf.

Killer setting ar fi volumetric clouds, care poate scadea fps-urile cu peste 40%.
Skip la min 15 ca sa vedeti exact ce setari au folosit ei.
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM


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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #65 on: 05 October 2018, 22:00 »
Aveti grija cei care cumparati varianta exclusiv digitala ca se fura conturi Uplay la greu. 
« Last Edit: 06 October 2018, 01:17 by mache »

Offline Raziel01

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #66 on: 06 October 2018, 00:54 »


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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #67 on: 06 October 2018, 01:51 »
M-am uitat de curiozitate pe YT sa vad cum e finalul si cred ca n-am vazut unul mai retardat...ce sa mai zic de poveste.

Ultimul Tomb Raider pare capodopera  pe langa povestea acestui joc. 

Recenzii si comentarii  de pe Steam:

Cica multi raporteaza ca Ubisoft a uitat sa precizeze ca jocul necesita procesoare cu suport AVX
Sadly it doesn't run on PCs without AVX support.
If anti-pirating is more important than a large chunk of your customer base then goodbye Ubisoft

Sau ca vocile sunt de tot rahatul  ca si cum suna a joc in stadiul alpha  test
The voice acting and their lines really kills this game for me. It feels like everything is palceholder.

Completely trash game, bought ultimate edition. It is not actually an Assasssin game. I don't think an assassin looks like a berserker. You surely can do alot of damage but.... the enemy is just tanky as hell, Even a dog on the road has around 100k health..... You have 60000 health in the end game, with 9000 Armor and 8000 damage. IDK why ubisoft's game now has so many fancy numbers while killing an enemy is still hard asf

This game is MASSIVE and it is actually better than AC: Origin which was also fantastic gameplay wise but man does it hurt seeing how overboard they have gone with microtranactions, I payed 120$ and still feel like I need to spend at least another 50$ to truly enjoy this game the way it was meant to be played by the devs, the game is not balanced to be best enjoyed without buying "time savers" and no matter how amazing the game is this is going to be the death of AC as a series if they don't ease off on the extreme level of greed on display at every turn in this game.

Bought the ultimate edition prior to release and feel cheated and ripped off. The listed product specifications and expectations from experiences with Far Cry 5 and Ghost Recon: Wildlands and even Assassins Creed: Origins made me believe my PC could run AC:Odyssey as well. I was willing to take a performance hit.
However: AC:Odyssey buggers out w/o error message past the Epilepsy warning. Only after sifting through the support forums I found out that AC:Odyssey REQUIRES the Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) and will not run on first generation i5 or i7 CPUs and a few others. The game does NOT EVEN mention that the CPU is not supported, nor does it give ANY error message at all. Ain´t that cute?
This dishonest, cheaty and abominally false advertising of Ubisoft will make sure that this was the last Ubisoft product I ever purchased.

Deceptive system specs page. Do NOT buy if your CPU cannot handle AVX. Buy after they patch it out like they did with Steep and The Crew 2.

Absolute garbage that Ubisoft CHANGED the requirements 2 days before release because they forgot to tell us that the game requires AVX capable processors. Origins had no such requirement, and ran fine on non-AVX processors. 2 of their previous games also had this issue, and it was fixed with a patch. This time? Ubi says they have no plans to patch. 100% refund.

I'll keep this as simple and straight forward as possible.

- Conversation choices are great. Plenty of humour as well.
- Graphics are gorgeous.
- The photo mode allows for great things.
- Great for pro gamers.

- Looting choices are contradictory. You make choices in conversations that are good, yet half of the loot items are restricted behind "Steal". This means you have to do bad things to get everything. Many special chests etc are listed as steal instead of loot. In other words, to get anywhere, you have to be a bad person. I thought Assassins are meant to be good guys in these games??
- Another failure in the game is the levelling system. When I started I saw sidequests and Main missions listed as level 2 recommendation. When I hit level 3, those same missions jumped to match my level. The same goes with enemies. Despite playing on the easiest difficulty (I prefer to play for story than challenge) that I would come across a tough enemy. For example, I was at level 3 and came across a group of enemies at level 3. I couldn't beat them due to the combat system/controls, so I thought that I would leave and level up. So I reached level 4 and returned to them. However, those enemies are now at level 4. This contradicts the difficulty settings.
- Not good for casual gamers.

If you're a pro gamer that can handle the flaws in the game, then that's good. If you're a casual gamer like me, then it's not so good.

I will try to continue playing this game, but I am preferring the previous games.

Runs like crap. Can't even hit solid 60fps on a GTX 1080Ti and I7 7700k at 1080p lmao. Fix your games Ubi.

Incoming comments from salty butthurt fan boys.

I will update this review once I have finnished the game and make it positive if the issues are fixed (which they wont)

Iar pe metacritic, situatia e urmatoarea
Acel moment cand vezi diferenta intre media notelor date de "publicatiile de specialitate" si userscore-ul "haterilor"    ;D
« Last Edit: 06 October 2018, 02:13 by skyfallout »

Offline KodiaK

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #68 on: 06 October 2018, 10:20 »
Da, foarte relevanti cei 17 frustrati care ai dat 0 sau 1 :))
Pe principiul asta iti gasesesc si cu 20 de oameni care au zis ca Witcher III este pure garbage, ca merge prost, sau ca are prea multa nuditate, sau ca nu are pusti si pistoale.
Deci asteapta si tu sa fie macar 1000 de useri acolo, ca sa zici ca are relevanta nota aia.

Contra exemplu clar steam, unde are mostly positive
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM

Offline edlund

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #69 on: 06 October 2018, 11:24 »
Sa te uiti pe youtube si sa vezi finalul si sa zici ca e comment. :)

Si in comentariile alea unii se vaita ca nu este AC, altii ca e greu pe easy. gg

Post Merge: 06 October 2018, 11:44
Se mai plangea unul intr-un review ca nu prea e balansat, ca nu prea cresti in nivel suficient de repede si ti-o cam iei mai tarziu, dar el era level 12 intr-un moment al story-ului unde eu eram 20, si nu joc completionist ca nu mai am timp, fac doar questul principal si pe cele cu semnul exclamarii, nu ma duc sa vad ce e sub toate semnele de intrebare. E clar ca el bagase un rush prin game sa scoata reviewul cat mai repete. Am 30 de ore in joc si nu am simtit nevoia de mai multa experienta, pur si simplu te bagi unde poti sa faci fata si fugi de aia care te omoara, e ca in viata. :)
« Last Edit: 06 October 2018, 11:44 by edlund »

Offline KodiaK

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #70 on: 06 October 2018, 11:48 »
Nu ai cum sa multumesti pe toata lumea. Daca pastrau reteta neschimbata se plangea lumea ca nu e inovativ. Acum ca s-au axat mai mult pe combat, si nu mai e as stealth based, sar altii de cur in sus ca nu mai e in stilul seriei.
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM


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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #71 on: 06 October 2018, 12:08 »
Da, foarte relevanti cei 17 frustrati care ai dat 0 sau 1 :))
Pe principiul asta iti gasesesc si cu 20 de oameni care au zis ca Witcher III este pure garbage, ca merge prost, sau ca are prea multa nuditate, sau ca nu are pusti si pistoale.
Deci asteapta si tu sa fie macar 1000 de useri acolo, ca sa zici ca are relevanta nota aia.
Si-au argumentat nemultumirile.
Haterism curat era daca puneau doar nota 0 fara sa-si justifice gestul.


Contra exemplu clar steam, unde are mostly positive
Momentan.   ;D

Nu ai cum sa multumesti pe toata lumea. Daca pastrau reteta neschimbata se plangea lumea ca nu e inovativ. Acum ca s-au axat mai mult pe combat, si nu mai e as stealth based, sar altii de cur in sus ca nu mai e in stilul seriei.
Daca nu mai e stealth based, puteau sa scoata "Assassin's Creed" din titlu din bun simt fata de fani si de serie si lasau doar  "The Odissey" la fel cum la Origins puteau sa puna  doar "The Curse of the Pharaohs" si era misto.     
Numai pentru asta isi merita notele de 1 si 0, ca e clar ca se folosesc de titlu pentru incasari, cu toate ca produsul nu mai e acelasi ca cele anterioare de la Origins incoace.
E cu totul alt joc, axat pe combat de zici ca-i joc cu gladiatori, nu cu asasini.

Sunt foarte multe diferente de gameplay si concept dintre Syndicate si Origins.
« Last Edit: 06 October 2018, 12:14 by skyfallout »

Offline KodiaK

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #72 on: 06 October 2018, 13:36 »
Si-au argumentat nemultumirile.
Haterism curat era daca puneau doar nota 0 fara sa-si justifice gestul.
Dar nu am zis ca nu sunt argumentate numultumirile. Dar sa dai 0 doar pt jocul nu mai respecta traditia AC, mi se pare penibil. Adica dupa capul lor nu exita joc mai prost, este cel mai prost joc din TOATE punctele de vedere. Imi aduce aminte de idiotii care au dat 0 lui D3 la lansare pt ca nu se puteau conecta la servere day 1. Deci ei practic nici macar nu jucasera jocul, dar deja pt ei era cel mai prost joc din istorie.
Da, nu mai este un joc axat pe stealth, dar pt asta ii scazi 1,2 hai 3 puncte. Nu ii dai zero direct.

Sunt foarte multe diferente de gameplay si concept dintre Syndicate si Origins.
Da asa este. Combat-ul este mult mai bun in Origins, unde daca nu esti un pic atent poti sa mori foarte usor daca esti incercuit. Pe cand in Syndicate combat-ul este un button mash, unde este aproape imposibil sa mori.
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM

Offline Rover


Offline KodiaK

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
« Reply #74 on: 06 October 2018, 15:49 »
Momentan e disponibil doar in SUA.
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM