Author Topic: Despre cum feminismul distruge societatea si natura umana  (Read 1264 times)

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Cred ca i s-a terminat cariera de fotbalist a  lui Ronaldo
Va dati seama, cel mai bun jucator de fotbal din ultimii 10 ani sa ajunga in asa hal ingropat de feministe din cauza ca a "violat-o" pe o tarfa profitoare  acum 10 ani

Tot feminismul i-a ruinat si pe unul dintre cei mai inteligenti oameni de stiinta, pe Tim Hunt care tot din cauza unei glume ironice adresate femeilor savante, a fost dat afara 
Pur si simplu, profesionalismul si performanta nu mai conteaza in ziua de azi. Conteaza doar sa lingusesti femeia! 

On 8 June 2015, during the 2015 WCSJ, at a lunch for female journalists and scientists, Hunt was asked on short notice to give a toast. Hunt’s impromptu speech was later recounted by an unnamed EU official
It’s strange that such a chauvinist monster like me has been asked to speak to women scientists. Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry. Perhaps we should make separate labs for boys and girls? Now, seriously, I’m impressed by the economic development of Korea. And women scientists played, without doubt an important role in it. Science needs women, and you should do science, despite all the obstacles, and despite monsters like me.
So, congratulations, everybody, and I hope – I hope – I hope – I really do hope there is nothing holding you back, especially not monsters like me.
In the recording, one can hear Hunt’s concluding remarks being followed by a very brief piece of laughter and applause before the recording ends.
On 10 June Hunt resigned from his position as an honorary professor with the University College London’s Faculty of Life Sciences[56] and from the Royal Society’s Biological Sciences Awards Committee. Hunt’s wife, immunologist Mary Collins, had been told by a senior [at UCL] that Hunt “had to resign immediately or be sacked”.
was only on 18 July, 39 days after Hunt’s comments, that the recording of part of them (and the laughter and applause) became public.

Din cauza ca acest biochimist a fost marginalizat, medicina si biochimia vor  stagna inca cativa zeci de ani, mai ales ca omul  isi va presta serviciile doar in privat, deci asta inseamna medicamente mai scumpe.

Fizica va stagna in urmatorii 5 ani  din cauza ca unul dintre cei mai mari savanti  CERN  a fost suspendat din cauza unei declaratii misogine-  ca fizica n-a fost inventata de femei, ci de barbati!
Un adevar pur!
Nu mai este feminism, e nazism feminin in stare pura!

Inteleg, Harvey Weinstein e un violator, dar sa ajungi sa marginalizezi savanti pentru niste comentarii, deja e exagerat.

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Despre cum feminismul distruge societatea si natura umana
« Reply #1 on: 10 October 2018, 15:12 »
nu urasc feminismul, eu zic ca femeile sa faca ce vor, cum vor ele!

urasc pe cei care aduc in prim plan orice altceva decat meritul si etica. adica vino cu demnitate si respect, vino cu vorba blanda si nu vei esua.
daca tu vii cu aruncatul papucului, sau al prajiturilor prin restaurante, sau al batei in strada gen antifa.. sau a propagandei omniprezente..
yuh, it's a no no.

paradoxic, imi plac lesbiencele. si tarfele, in general femeile care vorbesc murdar, te apuca de curea..
i would.

« Last Edit: 10 October 2018, 15:16 by Monier »


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Despre cum feminismul distruge societatea si natura umana
« Reply #2 on: 11 October 2018, 07:10 »
Da frate, daca tot e feminista, macar sa ma injure si sa ma bata , nu sa fie pussy si sa apeleze la alti barbati politisti si avocati doar pentru ca i-am zis un banc misogin.

Sau vorba ta, sa fie blandete , armonie si respect reciproc, dar nuuuu, ea nu vrea sa fie egala barbatului, vrea sa fie superioara , eventual sa starpeasca gena masculina daca tot s-au inventat vitro-ul, dildourile si uterul artificial+ roboti casnici.
« Last Edit: 11 October 2018, 07:13 by skyfallout »