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Messages - ZorracK

Pages: 1 [2]
Diverse / Invitatie
« on: 22 November 2019, 09:37 »
Urat. E interzis asa ceva. Am eu gratis
The following users liked or thanked this post: Laser38651

lol Emag parca limita la 1 buc de BF!

The following users liked or thanked this post: izurev

PC Setups & Recomandari / Sfat configuratie PC Gaming
« on: 23 October 2019, 20:41 »
Depinde la ce folosesti Pc-ul! Si eu mi-am luat 9700kf dar doar gaming si Photoshop bag
iar strict la gaming 9700k ingroapa si 3700x nu mai zic de 3600
ramii eu am Corsair vengeance 3200 mhz xmp 1 activat
eu sunt f multumit, am sta in dubii sa iau ryzen dar am luat I7 si nu imi pare rau
The following users liked or thanked this post: moHack

Spitalul 9½ / Kim Kardashian- presedinte
« on: 02 October 2019, 20:46 »
tacticiene, lasa-ne tata!
The following users liked or thanked this post: mudpie

Networking & Internet / Private torrent trackers invites
« on: 15 May 2019, 06:52 »
e pe ipt bine ms
The following users liked or thanked this post: CBR

Filme și Seriale / Ultimul serial vazut
« on: 09 May 2019, 10:45 »
Dar ma enerveaza Chloe, si-a facut ceva operatii? Arata ca curu.
Mda, si am avut un WTF moment cind am vazut-o.
In rest, dupa primul episod, pare in regula serialul.

s-a operat bine
serialul e meh bine!
The following users liked or thanked this post: duke_zz

Pages: 1 [2]