Author Topic: Elden Ring  (Read 4332 times)

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Offline AaronKnight

Elden Ring
« Reply #15 on: 07 January 2023, 08:05 »
From the get-go, Elden Ring doesn't impose any particular playstyle or route on you. You are completely free to do what you want to from the very start of the game. You can finish the main storyline and beat the final boss or you can explore the entire map without ever seeing the main bosses, it truly is up to you with no outside influence. It is truly refreshing to feel this sense of freedom in choice and exploration in any open world game.

Offline Ciocanul

Elden Ring
« Reply #16 on: 15 January 2023, 01:43 »
Nu e chiar asa. M-am plimbat o perioada ca o gaina beata pe toata harta si e no fun. In mod normal explorarea trebuie sa fie rewarding, aici nu este. In final am ajuns la un char extrem de puternic, am o sabie Radahn greatsword si o vraja ce zici ca e bomba atomica. Nu iti mai trebuie nici un skill, dai cu aia si pica cam tot, deja si un copil de 5 ani ar putea explora cam tot. :D Dupa ce termin din nou DS2(care e peak-ul in seria DS) vine la rand a 3-a oara Bloodbourne :) unde o sa fac un nou build. Poate dupa aia reiau Elden Ring-ul cu ceva build obscur, poate a doua oara o sa-l vad cu alti ochi.