Gaming => RPG => Topic started by: Sir Dracu on 30 June 2018, 13:09

Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 30 June 2018, 13:09

We're on Steam now! Release planned for August

Pathfinders! Our Steam community is now live! We're targeting August for release. Pre-orders are still coming to the Steam store, but will take a little while longer. Sorry for the delay.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the first isometric party-based computer RPG set in the Pathfinder fantasy universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Ransom on 02 July 2018, 08:42
Pe asta il am sub radar de mult timp! Insert: rubbing hands in anticipation.gif
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 21 July 2018, 10:34
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 13 September 2018, 14:32

Love in the Stolen Lands - Companion Romances
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 20 September 2018, 09:21
German preview:

summary of the vid from another site

* 100 hours of old-skool fun
* random battles on the overland map
* Kingdom mode, starting in Chapter 2, barony to kingdom
* he thinks the kingdom mode is optional(ish) because of player freedom as core design principle
* 7 endings (1 official, 5 other endings, 1 super secret ending for autists)
* sings praise of the character development
* skills influence dialogue options
* DnD alignment system
* 3D not pre-rendered
* RTwP, formations, formation designer
* Russian developers
* 1 million words, German version announced, only partial VO
* in kingdom mode, you can assign your party to minister posts
* ministers act according to their personality
* (fictitious example: if you assign the aggressive barbarian to the post of interior security, protesting peasants may get stomped, if you pick a diplomatic character, the problem may have been solved peacefully, but is likely not well suited to fend of enemy attacks)

* You can assign characters to task like in DA:Inquisition with different outcomes depending on the assigned character, e.g. alignment (you can still put characters in the party if they have a task)
* repeats that he's a fan of the character system
* battles are standard fare
* describes the resting system
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Raziel01 on 21 September 2018, 04:29
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Raziel01 on 24 September 2018, 23:19
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: EXxx on 25 September 2018, 12:16
il ia cineva acusi? ca apare diseara.
Sunt curios daca merita luat acum sau are bulele si mai bine mai incolo dupa cateva patchuri(sau poate deloc)
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Raziel01 on 28 September 2018, 13:02
Am jucat cateva ore si pot sa spun ca are nevoie de patching serios. Sunt niste probleme foarte enervante cu combatul.
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 01 October 2018, 17:28
Jocul e bun, iar avand in vedere ca e facut de rusi si mai ales ca e primul lor joc, trebuie aplaudati :))
Au scos deja 3 patchuri in mai putin de o saptamana, deci peste vreo 2-3-4 luni, va fi o aventura frumoasa. Eu am renuntat la el din cauza bugurilor, ramasesem cu niste questuri bugged si partea de regat buguita; desi bagasem pe auto mode, tot primeam proiecte/events failed fiindca nu pusesem advisori.
Cativa reviewuri ziceau ca se poate ajunge la 100h in el si inclin sa le dau dreptate; cred ca doar 20% din harta am explorat si am ajuns la 25h.
Partea cu regatul e foarte interesanta dar e haotic facuta, mai ales ca pierzi timp aiurea mereu ca trebuie sa te intorci in capitala; poate vor face ca in pillars si sa poti controla kingdomul de la distanta.
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Raziel01 on 01 October 2018, 17:47
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 04 October 2018, 13:39
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Raziel01 on 07 October 2018, 22:39
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Raziel01 on 21 October 2018, 21:45
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: slicker on 22 October 2018, 09:31
Tocmai ce am terminat Div2 extended :) si chiar ma gandeam ca dupa atatea patch-uri sa ma bag la asta. Multam de pointere man.
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 22 October 2018, 12:24
Mai asteapta pana in 2019
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 25 October 2018, 16:04

13 patchuri intr-o luna, not bad :)))
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Ransom on 25 October 2018, 16:21
Asta nu-i ceva de laudat. Confirma doar ca jocul a fost lansat grabit. intr-o stare jalnica. Personal, eu de ceva ani mi-am facut obiceiul sa joc doar "definitive/director's cut" edition la jocuri. Cum zici tu, mai astept pana in 2019...
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Wolfe on 16 February 2019, 21:32
E intr-o stare buna acum, poate fi jucat fara probleme. Mi-a luat o luna sa il termin, e urias..
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Sir Dracu on 09 July 2019, 21:53
Title: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Post by: Ransom on 10 July 2019, 08:57
L-am luat si eu cu ocazia Summer Sale de pe Steam, cu tot cu season pass. Am trecut de primul capitol si tocmai ce am anihilat trolli. Jocul e intr-o stare buna. Sufera mult la capitolul "balance"/"difficulty spikes"  pentru lumea nefamiliara deloc cu alte jocuri de gen (dnd based) poate fi chiar frustrant. Poti foarte usor sa iti strici caracterul/companioni daca nu esti atent la lvlup. Spelurile, feats-urile si skill-urile trebuie alese cu mare grija altfel e gg.

Modul acela turn-base combat pare interesent. Insa, doar la a doua rejucare. Momentan, jucam asa cum trebe: nemodat.