General Stuff => Stonehenge => Topic started by: oldshooterman on 08 June 2018, 00:43

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 08 June 2018, 00:43
NASA a anuntat ca au fost descoperite molecule organice complexe la suprafata planetei Marte.

Building Blocks of Life Found on Mars (
Title: Science - News
Post by: Gex on 15 June 2018, 12:38
Pluto in 8K Resolution

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 15 June 2018, 21:29
E impresionanta imaginea!
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 17 June 2018, 11:25
The Universe Is Not a Simulation, but We Can Now Simulate It (

Concluzia e foarte interesanta:

"With the recent improvements, researchers say a philosophical debate has ensued about when to say “good enough.” Adding too many astrophysical bells and whistles into the simulations will eventually limit their usefulness by making it increasingly difficult to tell what’s causing what. As Wadsley put it, “We would just be observing a fake universe instead of a real one, but not understanding it.”   ;D
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 07 July 2018, 13:59
Un pas imens in directia unor simulari virtuale de tip Matrix. ;D

Pare de domeniul SF ideea de a edita senzatiile pe care le simtim, de a insera in creier (memorie) imagini pe care nu le-am vazut niciodata, de a edita/sterge amintiri nedorite, de a insera chiar si arome inexistente intr-o memorie deja existenta...

Foarte recent, cercetatorii de la Universitatea din California, Berkeley, au anuntat că au testat echipamentul pentru a face acest lucru, folosind proiectia holografica in creier pentru a activa sau suprima de la zeci la mii de neuroni simultan, de sute de ori in fiecare secunda. Totul pentru a pacali creierul ca a vazut si a simtit ceva, cand de fapt nu a facut-o!(inca nu este link direct...)

Inca nu s-au facut experientele pe oameni, dar urmeaza. E interesant de anticipat consecintele tehnologiei care va permite editarea memoriei pe fiinte vii. Se speculeaza avantaje in aplicatii de domeniul SF, cum ar fi comercializarea a tot felul de experiente traite de altcineva (cum ar fi ale unui participant la o expeditie pe Everest). Nici n-are rost sa anticipam ce ar putea oferi industria pornografica, de ex., sau domeniul VR. ;D

Pentru inceput se insista pe aplicatii practice in domeniul medicinii, dar eu cred partea de divertisment va oferi principala finantare in dezvoltarea tehnologiei.

Title: Science - News
Post by: Gex on 12 July 2018, 12:20
European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst, photographed our planet's Moon as seen from the International Space Station.

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 12 July 2018, 13:15
Efectul dat de atmosfera face toti banii.
Dar inainte de a publica poza putea sa elimine cel putin pata aia mica care sare in ochi (mai sunt si altele mai putin stridente), generata de ceva mizerie pe senzor.
O asemenea imagine chiar merita atentia cuvenita pe partea tehnica de prezentare.  :)
Title: Science - News
Post by: Ciocanul on 12 July 2018, 15:58
E bine sa vad asemenea poze decat prelucrarile alea de "poveste".
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 13 July 2018, 02:29
NASA May Have Discovered and Then Destroyed Organics on Mars in 1976 (
Title: Science - News
Post by: Gex on 02 August 2018, 11:36
Pluto in true color (click):


Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 02 August 2018, 15:23
E foarte tare imaginea, tinand cont de distanta la care se afla Pluto!
Title: Science - News
Post by: Ciocanul on 14 September 2018, 10:22

Pe scurt: FBI a inchis urgent un observator solar. Nu se stie de ce dar FBI e pe felie si nu da detalii. Ori au vazut ceva dubios gen asteroid, explozie solara sau ceva dubios sau au filmat cine stie ce mizerii militare din zona ? Stay tune. Poate e nimic, poate o fi ceva.
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 16 September 2018, 17:07
Dozens of ‘mysterious radio bursts’ from outer space are detected by alien-hunting artificial intelligence (
Title: Science - News
Post by: Gex on 18 September 2018, 17:13
In 5z23h sunt inapoi
Title: Science - News
Post by: sebisava on 18 September 2018, 20:02
Cred ca e vorba de zile, 5 zile si 23 de ore.
Title: Science - News
Post by: Gex on 21 September 2018, 19:41
Ai dreptate, am corectat, merci!
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 22 September 2018, 02:04

Pe scurt: FBI a inchis urgent un observator solar. Nu se stie de ce dar FBI e pe felie si nu da detalii. Ori au vazut ceva dubios gen asteroid, explozie solara sau ceva dubios sau au filmat cine stie ce mizerii militare din zona ? Stay tune. Poate e nimic, poate o fi ceva.
(Reuters) - "The mysterious 11-day closure of a New Mexico solar observatory stemmed from an FBI investigation of a janitor suspected of using the facility’s wireless internet service to send and receive child pornography, federal court documents showed on Wednesday." ;D
Title: Science - News
Post by: Gex on 22 September 2018, 18:44
Ceva mai devreme cineva scria:
Title: Science - News
Post by: Ciocanul on 22 September 2018, 21:28
Deci omuletii verzi inca nu ne cauta. :)
Title: Science - News
Post by: Gex on 26 September 2018, 15:30
Here Is a Photo of a Single Atom (
Title: Science - News
Post by: Pruny on 05 November 2018, 21:05
Title: Science - News
Post by: Korn on 22 November 2018, 13:41
aeronautics experts at MIT have flown a radically different type of plane that is thrust through the air using just electricity and the movement of ions, a type of silent drive without moving parts out of science fiction.
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 05 January 2019, 21:37
Au aparut ferme de carne crescuta in bioreactoare, din celule stem, respectiv fara animale vii. ;D

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 09 January 2019, 11:14
"Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period." (
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 25 January 2019, 12:39
China successfully grows first plant on the moon (
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 26 January 2019, 13:36
O echipa de neurologi de la Universitatea din San Diego, California, au anunțat că "au observat pentru prima dată activitate electrică spontană care seamănă cu undele cerebrale umane într-un mini-creier crescut in laborator."

Lab-grown ‘mini brains’ produce electrical patterns that resemble those of premature babies (

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 27 February 2019, 21:03
US military agency invests $100m in genetic extinction technologies (

Articolul e din 2017, deci care e "noutatea"? Noutatea e ca in urma cu cateva saptamani s-a publicat faptul ca au reusit sa aplice tehnologia si la mamifere (

Pentru cei care n-au chef sa caute detalii: "Genome editing is a weapon of mass destruction." (James Clapper, U.S. director of national intelligence)
Adica e o arma mult mai puternica si mai eficienta decat armele nucleare. Poate duce la extinctie orice specie, in decursul a 2-3 generatii!  8)
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 14 March 2019, 00:01
IBM Develops Machine Learning Algorithm Fit for Quantum Computers (,38808.html)
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 13 April 2019, 02:43
Scientists put human gene into monkeys to make them smarter, human-like (

"For the first time, a team of Chinese scientists made use of gene-editing techniques to make monkey brains more human-like. By the end, the monkeys, rhesus macaques, got smarter and had superior memories as compared to the unaltered monkeys." 8)

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 20 April 2019, 21:27
Dupa "carne fara animale vii", urmeaza "cafea fara boabe de cafea"... ;D

‘Molecular coffee’ - Coffee That Doesn’t Use Any Beans (
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 24 May 2019, 11:40
Deci, planeta Marte nu va putea fi colonizata/teraformata.  ;D

Mars Terraforming Not Possible Using Present-Day Technology (

La care se adauga asta: A Giant Hole in the Martian Atmosphere Is Venting All Its Water into Space (

Fraierii care viseaza sa ajunga primii colonisti pe Marte se condamna singuri la inchisoare pe viata, fara posibilitate de eliberare conditionata... ;D
Title: Science - News
Post by: Ciocanul on 24 May 2019, 15:15
Asta daca supravietuiesc radiatiilor pana acolo. Care ajunge acolo dupa 6 luni de radiatii e beton. Nu are nici un rost sa trimitem oameni acolo, cel putin nu oamenii ce ii vedem in jur. A, daca ne facem upgrade-uri atunci mai vorbim. :)
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 08 June 2019, 16:09
China invents ‘mind-reading chip’ called Brain Talker that ‘sends your thoughts to a computer’ (

"Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are devices that have been designed to create simple communication between the human brain and computers."

Deci avem BCI mult, mult mai repede decat s-a anticipat! ;D

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 15 July 2019, 14:33
A 'spooky' effect of physics that Einstein couldn't believe has been photographed for the first time (

A fost fotografiata in premiera legatura cuantica ("entanglement") dintre fotoni.
Title: Science - News
Post by: skerbyte on 19 July 2019, 19:04
Title: Science - News
Post by: skerbyte on 06 September 2019, 10:57

technology uses lasers to vaporize liquid tin into plasma and produce light closer in wavelength to X-rays than the spectrum visible to the human eye. That light helps chipmakers spot potential defects in the product. This process takes a room-sized machine that looks like a sci-fi death ray and requires a team of people to operate.
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 22 September 2019, 02:10
Google reportedly attains 'quantum supremacy' (

"Its quantum computer can solve tasks that are otherwise unsolvable, a report says."

Le-a luat cativa ani, dar pana la urma au reusit!

Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 24 September 2021, 15:45
Flying Microchips The Size Of A Sand Grain Could Be Used For Population Surveillance (
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 01 December 2022, 17:08
Elon Musk a anuntat ca implantul sau cerebral Neuralink este acum gata pentru oameni!
Title: Science - News
Post by: Nosferat on 01 December 2022, 18:08
Sincer nu m-as lua dupa vorbele lui Musk. Are tendinta de a face hype, hyperloop, tesla semi-truck,tesla bot, "vegas loop".....etc,etc,etc.  Eu sunt mai mult pe sistemul "ce-i in mana nu-i minciuna", cand chiar va fi gata, va fi testat pe bune Neuralink, atunci o sa cred.
Title: Science - News
Post by: oldshooterman on 02 December 2022, 15:11
E gata, dar pentru teste umane sunt necesare aprobati speciale.

"Neuralink a atins un nivel în testele interne care a făcut ca echipa să fie încrezătoare că "dispozitivul Neuralink este pregătit pentru oameni" și că, în prezent, compania este angajată în discuții cu US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pentru a obține aprobarea de reglementare. Acum, Neuralink a stabilit ca obiectiv ca primele teste pe oameni să înceapă în următoarele șase luni." (Elon M)
Title: Science - News
Post by: taxon on 06 December 2022, 20:27
Mda, dar ...