Author Topic: Total War - Attila  (Read 2628 times)

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Offline Ransom

Total War - Attila
« on: 29 May 2018, 17:59 »
Pentru cine e interesat: dupa ce a fost cativa ani in lucru a fost lansat de curand modul Ancient Empires pentru Total War: Attila.
We are proud to present the Ancient Empires overhaul for Attila. This campaign will be set in the 202BC just prior to the climax of the Second Punic War at Zama. Carthage has been severely weakened, and the now united Numidians have their eyes set on their territory. Rome itself now finds itself as the dominant power in the Western Mediterranean, but it still has not tested itself against the Successors of Alexander. It intends to settle its score with Macedon for its recent transgressions and the support provided to Hannibal, but still has to deal with a threat closer to home in the form of the Cisalpine Gauls who have been in revolt since 218. With new territory in Hispania, more wealth is filling its coffers than ever, but the Celtiberians are getting restless.
 Antiochus III has returned from subduing the East, and for at least the time being he has unified the Seleucid Empire. Baktria and Parthia have been put back in their place and are now compliant client states while Armenia has been divided in two. The time has come for revenge against the Seleucids for their victory at Raphia, and after that? Greece is ripe for the taking. Up in the North, the Scythian hordes are having their territory encroached upon by the Sarmatians. The building pressure has to come to a conclusion, and the loser will need to find a new home.
 Featuring over 148+ factions on the campaign map to start, the Ancient Empires Attila campaign will offer the most in-depth experience possible on the TW engine. It will feature a host of new peoples never before seen in any TW or conversion mod to date. The goal is to create the most immersive and dynamic campaign experience ever seen in a TW game while also placing an emphasis on historical accuracy and strategic choice.
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Offline Ransom

« Reply #1 on: 01 June 2018, 10:30 »
Patch nou pentru TW:WH2!

Cred ca incep o noua campanie ME cu Norsca.
Astept doar sa fie updatate modurile pe care le folosesc la noul patch.

Offline Raziel01