Author Topic: Noutati (S)UHDTV  (Read 7759 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« on: 22 July 2018, 02:37 »
Dupa SHARP (LV-70X500E 8K TV-Monitor), mai multe firme se pregatesc sa lanseze TV-uri 8k inainte de sfarsitul anului.
Samsung se pregateste sa anunte o serie Premium de TV-uri 8k la IFA 2018. E vorba ca vor fi anuntate modele cu marimi de 65", 75" si 82", care ar putea fi disponibile la putin timp dupa lansare, plus un model gigantic de 98" care va fi disponibil din 2019, toate cu rata de refresh de 120Hz.
Va fi anuntata inca o serie de TV-uri 8k "mai accesibile" ca pret, cu dimensiuni de 65"si 75", la 60Hz, disponibile doar in 2019.

"This future generation of TV technology would offer 8K resolution (7.680 x 4.320 pixels); full BT.2020 color range coverage; ’Next Gen HDR’ (built around 4,000 nits of brightness); and 12-bit color depth support."(forbes)

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2018, 12:18 »

Pentru cei care vor sustine ca 8k nu foloseste la mare lucru (desi e o rezolutie care se preteaza excelent pentru a fi folosita pentru monitoare PC de dimensiuni mari), practic neexistand pe piata suficiant material 8k nativ:

"The AI technology based on machine learning analyzes content and automatically upscales low-resolution images into 8K picture quality."
"It lets consumers enjoy just about any movie or TV show on any channel in 8K resolution regardless of native resolution or method of transmission."

Samsung’s AI Technology Transforms Any Video Content Into 8K

Sistemul AI e in dezvoltare continua, deci pana la lansarea produsului se anticipeaza rezultate tot mai bune, putand fi imbunatatit si ulterior.


Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #2 on: 30 August 2018, 00:14 »
LG unveils the world's first 8K OLED TV at IFA 2018

"The huge 88-inch TV has a resolution of 7680x4320 and features over 33 million self-emitting pixels to ensure viewers get the best contrast ratio and true blacks to provide some of the best visuals."

AUO announces 85-inch 8K 120Hz HDR TV

"The television features a High Dynamic Resolution (HDR) panel that uses Quantum Dot technology and features peak brightness of 1200 nits (HDR10). AUO even mentions that color saturation cranks up to over NTSC 110%."

Sunt asteptati cei de la Samsung sa arate si ei ceva.


Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #3 on: 31 August 2018, 01:00 »
In sfarsit ceva foarte tare, ce va fi disponibil de la sfarsitul lui septembrie... Pacat ca nu se da si pretul: Samsung Unveils 8K Resolution QLED TV with 8K AI Upscaling

"Samsung is to announce its foray into 8K with the unveiling of the Q900R QLED 8K complete with 8K AI Upscaling. Available in four ultra-large screen sizes (65”, 75”, 82” and 85”), Samsung QLED 8K TV will feature several 8K-ready enhancements, including Real 8K Resolution, Q HDR 8K and Quantum Processor 8K, all created to bring 8K-quality images to life.

The new Samsung QLED 8K will be available in stores from end of September."

Scalarea la 8k folosind AI da niste rezultate uluitoare, mai ramane de studiat lagul introdus, care ar putea influenta negativ daca sunt folosite pentru gaming.

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #4 on: 31 August 2018, 18:16 »
Sharp launches 2nd-gen 8K TVs

"8K isn't the future - it's already here." 8)

Spre sfarsitul anului viitor, preturile ar putea deveni mai accesibile.


Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #5 on: 01 October 2018, 00:42 »
Se pregateste refacerea filmelor facute in rezolutii mai mici (2k, 4k) in 8k, folosind softuri avansate si AI. Se vrea ca pana in 2020, posesorii de TV-uri 8k sa aiba si materiale video de calitate pentru ele. 8)

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #6 on: 05 October 2018, 16:58 »
"Samsung QLED 8K 85-inch Q900R smart TV is available for preorder for $15,000. There’s no word yet on whether the 65-inch, 75-inch, and 82-inch sizes will be available for preorder, but the 85-inch TV will be shipping on October 28th."(theverge)

Cel mai probabil, cel de 65" va ajunge la un pret mai "accesibil" cam intr-un an. Anticipez 5-7000$ la lansare. ;D

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #7 on: 07 October 2018, 00:30 »
Pretul de lansare pentru Samsung QLED 8K 65-inch Q900R e de ~5000 Euro. Abia astept sa ma joc cu unul ca monitor PC. 8)
Cel de 75" e cam scump, ~7000 Euro.

Offline eugenius

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #8 on: 07 October 2018, 23:08 »
8k îți va permite să te uiți la un TV de 85" de la 50cm fără să percepi pixelii. E o revoluție. :)

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #9 on: 13 October 2018, 18:57 »
Imagine exceptionala si input lag sub 20ms chiar si atunci cand scaleaza imaginea de la HD la 8K!

Samsung Q900R 8K QLED TV review

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #10 on: 07 January 2019, 17:12 »
Samsung a lansat la CES 2019 conceptul de "Resolution Free Displays", bazat pe tehnologia Micro LED. Conceptul se refera la faptul ca se pot folosi module de Micro LED in diferite configuratii pentru a obtine ecrane cu forme si rezolutii custom, in functie de cerintele clientului.

Concret, au aratat si un "TV" Micro LED 4k de 75" care ar putea ajunge pe piata in 2019 la un pret mai accesibil pentru clienti pretentiosi dar cu resurse totusi mai limitate si un ecran imens "The Wall" de 219"(!) pentru aplicatii comerciale.

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #11 on: 08 April 2019, 17:13 »
Yup, it happened. ;D Sony announced a 16K screen recently deployed in Japan. #NABShow

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #12 on: 13 April 2019, 16:41 »
Mai multe detalii:

"The screen is 19.2 meters (63 feet) long and 5.4 meters (17 feet) high, it features a diagonal of 783 inches and is generally larger than a bus."
"Sony’s 16K 783-inch screen uses the company’s Crystal LED technology that uses multiple Micro LED-based modules to build custom displays featuring virtually any size, any resolution, and any aspect ratio. "

Offline oldshooterman

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #13 on: 22 May 2019, 01:44 »
Sony's 98-inch 8k (ZG9 8k) television costs € 80,000 available from June 

Dar modelul de 85" 8k e mai "ieftin" - € 17,000  ;D

Offline mike

Noutati (S)UHDTV
« Reply #14 on: 27 May 2019, 21:46 »
Un monitor / televizor de 32 inch, OLED - 40,000 EUR, cea mai buna calitate video la acest moment.