Author Topic: Virusi, gripe, info & stuff  (Read 179469 times)

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Offline taribo

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #825 on: 30 December 2020, 22:18 »
:) ultima constatare e de prisos, nu exista ceva in Ro organizat de stat care sa nu fie prost.

Offline oldshooterman

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #826 on: 31 December 2020, 00:56 »
"WESTMINSTER, England, December 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Government produced safety instructions for a new coronavirus vaccine indicate that it should not be used by pregnant or breast-feeding mothers and children. In addition, they state that it is unknown what effect the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will have on fertility."

Pfizer COVID jab warning: No breastfeeding, avoid pregnancy for 2 months, unknown fertility impacts

"Fertility fears:

Earlier this week, two leading doctors wrote to the European Medicine Agency, which is responsible for the safety of vaccines, in an attempt to stop human trials of all Covid-19 vaccines, especially the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 described above. Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former head of Pfizer’s respiratory research, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a health policy advisor, think that human testing is still unethical."

"It could take “a relatively long time before a noticeable number of cases of post-vaccination infertility could be observed.”"

Daca afla lumea despre mai multe chestii dintr-astea ("...impactul asupra asupra fertilității e necunoscut"), nu cred ca va fi coada la vaccinare cu vaccinurile produse de Pfizer si Moderna. Si astea sunt extrase din documente oficiale, nu "conspiratii".

Offline astateofmind

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #827 on: 02 January 2021, 18:41 »
normal ca e necunoscut ... cand dreaq sa fi facut astia testele?
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #828 on: 02 January 2021, 20:14 »
Moderna (la fel precum si Pfizer): Our Operating System

"Sistemul nostru de operare"

Recunoscând potențialul larg al științei ARNm, ne-am propus să creăm o platformă tehnologică ARNm care funcționează foarte mult ca un sistem de operare pe computer. Este conceput astfel încât să poată fi conectat și redat interschimbabil cu diferite programe. În cazul nostru, „programul” sau „aplicația” este medicamentul nostru ARNm - secvența unică de ARNm care codifică o proteină."

Mai trebuie doar niste patch-uri si update-uri, din cand in cand... ;D

Si se mira ca lumea se fereste de vaccinurile lor, desi inca lumea (masele) nici n-a aflat despre asta. ;D

Offline taribo

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #829 on: 02 January 2021, 20:20 »
:) reuseste Gates cu Moderna ce nu a reusit cu Windows.

Offline oldshooterman

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #830 on: 02 January 2021, 20:42 »
Moderna si Pfizer (cel folosit acum in RO) fac acelasi tip de vaccin. Se bazeaza pe reprogramare genetica a celulelor tinta prin vaccinare. Practic vaccinul contine un virus informatic care se introduce in codul genetic al celulelor tinta. 8)

Offline taribo

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #831 on: 02 January 2021, 21:27 »
Conceptul este cel putin spectaculos dar important este cine si cum il foloseste si are aplicatii mult mai folositoare decat rahatul asta de vaccin.

Offline oldshooterman

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #832 on: 02 January 2021, 21:47 »
Asta se stie de prin 2017, cand au spus ca se poate programa disparitia oricarei specii de vietuitoare in decurs de 2-3 generatii, referindu-se evident la speciile care provoaca probleme si daune oamenilor. ;D

Offline taribo

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #833 on: 02 January 2021, 21:52 »
Video ala e de prin 2013, deci un 2010 asa cel concluzie 10 ani de progres invizibil ca sa apara un vaccin ale carui efecte pe termen lung si scurt nu sunt previzibile. Inca nu imi este clar daca se mai moare de atac de cord sau cancer dar sunt sigur ca suntem prea multi pentru "leacurile" astea.

Offline astateofmind

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #834 on: 02 January 2021, 22:49 »
Moderna si Pfizer (cel folosit acum in RO) fac acelasi tip de vaccin. Se bazeaza pe reprogramare genetica a celulelor tinta prin vaccinare. Practic vaccinul contine un virus informatic care se introduce in codul genetic al celulelor tinta. 8)

Mi-e teama ca nu ai inteles cum functineaza vaccinul ARN. Nu, nu rescrie codul genetic al celulelor tinta.

"They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way.
mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA (genetic material) is kept.
The cell breaks down and gets rid of the mRNA soon after it is finished using the instructions."

"The use of RNA in a vaccine has been the basis of substantial misinformation circulated via social media, wrongly claiming that the use of RNA alters a person's DNA, or emphasizing the technology's previously unknown safety record, while ignoring the more recent accumulation of evidence from trials involving tens of thousands of people.[12]"

"mRNA vaccines do not affect or reprogram DNA inside the cell. The synthetic mRNA fragment is a copy of the specific part of the viral RNA that carries the instructions to build the antigen of the virus (a protein spike, in the case of the main coronavirus mRNA vaccines), and is not related to DNA. This misconception was circulated as the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines came to public prominence, and is a debunked conspiracy theory.[38][39]"
« Last Edit: 02 January 2021, 22:56 by astateofmind »
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #835 on: 03 January 2021, 02:32 »
Ar fi culmea sa nu gasesti pe net povestea impachetata frumos si pe intelesul tuturor. Nu sapa nimeni dupa detalii, pentru ca nu se pricepe si nu are timp, iar genetica e chiar o treaba complicata.
Sa nu intram in conspiratii, dar ca idee. Sunt foarte putini specialisti care "urineaza impotriva vantului" stiind ca se vor stropi pe pantaloni.
Codul genetic e foarte mare si foarte complex, dar sufera in permanenta mutatii nedorite de tot felul, mutatii care nu sunt greu de obtinut daca asta se cauta.
Sa vedem ce-i cu vaccinul, conform declaratiilor, in rezumat:

1. "Moderna’s messenger RNA vaccine, on the other hand, is completely new and revolutionary to say the least. It uses a sequence of genetic RNA material produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein-making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus. In this case, Moderna’s mRNA-1273 is programmed to make your cells produce the coronavirus’ infamous spike protein that gives the virus its crown-like appearance (“corona” is crown in Latin) for which it is named."

Altfel spus, mesagerii RNA din vaccin obliga ribozomii sa produca antigeni, dupa care se distrug, pentru ca sunt sensibili (mRNA). Adica n-au treaba cu codul genetic care e inscris mult mai "adanc" in celule.

2. Dar sa vedem ce-i cu ribozomii: "Ribosomes are the workplaces of protein biosynthesis, the process of translating mRNA into protein."
"The mRNA travels to a ribosome, either in the cytoplasm, or on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes, which are made in the nucleolus, are composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. They are the location of translation, the process in which the mRNA code is translated into a sequence of amino acids." Adica exact ce se spune in poveste.

3. Sa vedem si cum ribozomii pot efectua mutatii in DNA. DNA Is Constantly Changing through the Process of Mutation
"Frameshift mutations: Insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides during replication can also lead to another type of mutation known as a frameshift mutation. The outcome of a frameshift mutation is complete alteration of the amino acid sequence of a protein. This alteration occurs during translation because ribosomes read the mRNA strand in terms of codons, or groups of three nucleotides. These groups are called the reading frame. Thus, if the number of bases removed from or inserted into a segment of DNA is not a multiple of three (Figure 4a), the reading frame transcribed to the mRNA will be completely changed (Figure 4b). Consequently, once it encounters the mutation, the ribosome will read the mRNA sequence differently, which can result in the production of an entirely different sequence of amino acids in the growing polypeptide chain.
Adica se pot obtine mutatii in DNA daca se mestereste la ribozomi.

4. Genetic Code is the term we use for the way that the four bases of DNA--the A, C, G, and Ts--are strung together in a way that the cellular machinery, the ribosome, can read them and turn them into a protein. In the genetic code, each three nucleotides in a row count as a triplet and code for a single amino acid."

De unde rezulta o legatura destul de directa intre introducerea de informatie straina in ribozomi si Codul Genetic. ;D


Offline astateofmind

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #836 on: 03 January 2021, 04:41 »
Deah, ceva ai inteles dar nu prea mult ;)

Ai dreptate, genetica e complicata.

Nu, vaccinurile mRNA nu sunt produse cu scopul de a-ti altera codul genetic. Nu, nu "se bazeaza pe reprogramare genetica a celulelor tinta prin vaccinare. Practic vaccinul contine un virus informatic care se introduce in codul genetic al celulelor tinta."

Ma rog, stim de mult ca esti adept al teoriilor conspiratilor, mai ales cand e vb de vest ;)

« Last Edit: 03 January 2021, 04:45 by astateofmind »
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #837 on: 03 January 2021, 16:39 »
Franța șochează toată Europa!

Doar 138 de persoane au acceptat sa se vaccineze in Franta pana in 30 dec.

Offline taribo

Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #838 on: 03 January 2021, 23:14 »
Nu e nici un soc, cu cat esti mai capabil sa te informezi pe cont propriu si nu inghiti "informarile" specialistilor, cu atat este mai clar ca scopul vaccinului de pana acum este doar unul economic.
« Last Edit: 04 January 2021, 12:06 by mache »

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Virusi, gripe, info & stuff
« Reply #839 on: 04 January 2021, 13:49 »
Am o intrebare de ce majoritatea persoanelor publice cand se vaccineaza trebuie sa falsifice vaccinarea? Adica daca vaccinul e safe de ce nu se vaccineaza pe bune? Sunt zeci de clipuri pe facebook cum unele persoane se vaccineaza fara ac, fara ser, fara ac prin halat etc