After 4 weeks of Russia being invaded by a foreign power (Let it sink: Russia has been invaded by a foreign state and is unable to repel the invasion!) — so, after 4 weeks of Russian troops shamefully losing the territory in the Kursk region of “old traditional Russia”, Putin’s spin doctors had to come up with some explanation to the question on everyone’s lips: “What TF is going on?!”
Putin’s explanation: Ukrainians tried to make us move the troops from Donbas to defend Kursk, but we haven’t! Ukrainians failed!!
Yes, Putin really said that.
The goal of Ukraine’s invading the Kursk region was to “make us nervous, fuss around, transfer troops from one area to another and stop the offensive in key areas, primarily in Donbas,” stated Putin at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Sep.5, 2024 — adding that “liberation of Donbas” was Russia’s “primary goal”.
Russia’s “important territorial gains” in Donbas (in red) vs. “unimportant territorial gains” of Ukraine in the Kursk region (in blue) during the last month.
So, 200,000 residents of the Kursk region having to evacuate was “not a fuss” for Putin.
Tens of thousands of Russian residents now living under occupation by the “Kyiv regime” isn’t a big deal for Putin.
Turning another Ukrainian town into ruins and capturing the ruins — that’s Putin’s utmost priority and goal.
As for the Kursk region, losing 1,300 square km and 100 settlements isn’t obviously an issue worth of Putin’s concern — because Russia’s gains in Donbas since Ukraine invaded Russia are “measured in square kilometers”, bragged Putin (he either forgot the number or purposefully decided to be ambiguous, for fear of being proven a liar — once again).
So, Putin again shown himself a master strategist — left Russians in Russia to fend for themselves, while simultaneously losing 1,000+ men daily, trying to accomplish the goal that he failed to accomplish for 2.5 years — capture the whole of Luhansk and Donetsk regions (aka ‘Donbas’).
I’m pretty sure that Putin will never accomplish this goal.
Moreover, while Putin is bragging about not wanting to defend Russians in Russia, the Ukrainian troops are building fortifications in the Kursk region.
Moving the war to the territory of Russia is Ukraine’s goal.
Putin might realize it too late.
He’s too much of a “genius” to defend his own country — let’s rather kill the rest of the Russian reserves in “meat assaults” in Donbas, and in the meantime, ban Russian propagandists from even mentioning the Kursk region.
Genius, just genius.
Post Merge: 06 September 2024, 21:58
"Dombas-ul e prioritate pt noi, putem negocia daca il dati pe tava".
Adicatelea toate aberatiile cu Nato, cu dezanificare, cu ... whatever au fost doar ... aberatii. Acum in sfarsit au recunoscut: dati-ne teritoriul cu gaze si va lasam in pace