Author Topic: Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană  (Read 1605 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« on: 27 May 2018, 10:50 »
In mod cu totul neasteptat, in cursul zilei de ieri a avut loc o intalnire surpriza intre liderii celor doua Corei, la granita, dar in premiera in Coreea de Nord.
Liderul sud-coreean se declara foarte multimit de reziltatele intalnirii.

Post Merge: 27 May 2018, 13:45
"I think there's a lot of good will. I think people want to see if we can get the meeting and get something done. We got that done and we can be successful in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, that would be a great thing for North Korea, it would be a great thing for South Korea, it would be great for Japan, it would be great for the world, it would be great for the United States, it would be great for China. A lot of people are working on it. It's moving along very nicely."
"We're looking at June 12 in Singapore. That hasn't changed. And it's moving along pretty well, so we'll see what happens."- Trump

Deci Trump a revenit asupra deciziei si intalnirea programata cu Kim ar putea avea loc tot in 12 iunie.
Moon said he held Saturday’s impromptu summit - the second between the two sides in a month - after Kim asked for a meeting “without any formality”.
“A meeting was held because officials of both countries thought that meeting face-to-face would be better than a phone call,” Moon said, noting that the summit was in line with previous agreements for the two leaders to meet more often."
"The KCNA statement said Kim and Moon agreed to hold high-level talks between their two nations on June 1, and to take steps to quickly implement their efforts to denuclearise the peninsula. KCNA said the leaders also agreed to meet frequently."

Asta inseamna ca sefii celor duoa state coreene se vor intalni din nou peste doar cateva zile. (REUTERS)

« Last Edit: 27 May 2018, 13:45 by oldshooterman »

Offline oldshooterman

Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« Reply #1 on: 29 May 2018, 02:06 »
O gluma proasta din partea americanilor. Punand conditii lipsite de bun simt si imposibil de indeplinit, e clar ca nu vor sa ajunga la un compromis.

The United States wants North Korea to ship out nukes, missiles ahead of Trump-Kim summit

Offline oldshooterman

Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« Reply #2 on: 31 May 2018, 14:02 »
CIA spune ca, Kim s-ar putea prezenta la intalnirea cu Trump cu o oferta greu de refuzat, in loc de a preda armele nucleare:

"CIA report says North Korea won't denuclearize, but included the possibility that Kim Jong Un may consider offering to open a Western hamburger franchise in Pyongyang as a show of goodwill."(nbcnews) ;D ;D

Offline oldshooterman

Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« Reply #3 on: 02 June 2018, 13:00 »
Lavrov e primul oficial rus care s-a intalnit (ieri) cu liderul Nord Coreean. Cu ocazia asta Kim a acceptat invitatia lui Putin de a face o vizita oficiala in Rusia. Americanii sunt disperati ca nu sunt singurii cu care se intalneste Kim, mai ales dupa cele doua vizite neasteptate in China.


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Offline oldshooterman

Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« Reply #5 on: 12 June 2018, 13:53 »
North Korea summit: Trump, Kim sign "comprehensive" document — live updates

"Mr. Trump said he "absolutely" will invite Kim to the White House. Mr. Trump said he thinks the summit went "better than anybody could have expected.""


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Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« Reply #6 on: 17 June 2018, 07:49 »
nu vad nimic rau in a sta de vorba. in special intre inamici, cata vreme exista un gen de respect si dispozitia catre acea discutie.

dar drumul e lung si anevoios pana la pace.

 cu toate astea pana si eu respir mai usor, pesupun ca sudcoreenii sunt ametiti de gura asta de oxigen. detensionarea este evidenta, sa vedem cat tine.

Offline oldshooterman

Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« Reply #7 on: 20 June 2018, 02:54 »
Kim e la a treia vizita in China, la interval de cateva saptamani. ;D


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Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« Reply #8 on: 20 June 2018, 17:44 »
probabil isi cauta o nevasta. a treia vizita, e la socrii.