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Messages - KodiaK

Pages: [1]
MMORPGs / Lost Ark - EU/NA
« on: 05 November 2021, 10:01 »
Closed beta e activ pana pe 11. Se poate obtine o cheie urmarind 1h dintr-un stream pe twitch (eu am urmarit pe quin69).
O primesti pe mail-ul asociat contului de twitch, numai ca dureaza ceva pana ajunge (la mine a fost 2h).
The following users liked or thanked this post: KodiaK

Hardware / AMD Navi GPU & Nextgen Architecture
« on: 07 July 2021, 13:08 »
Am sters offtopic-ul inutil despre placi video antice; asta ca sa se stie de ce au disparut post-urile
The following users liked or thanked this post: KodiaK

Hardware / AMD Navi GPU & Nextgen Architecture
« on: 28 October 2020, 18:43 »
Sunt curios consumul. Adica au acelasi consum si 6800XT si 6900XT? How? Nu e acealsi cip la ambele, doar castrat la 6800XT?
Pe placile 6900XT au cipurile cu eficienta termica de calitate maxima si e posibil sa difere sistemul de racire.
The following users liked or thanked this post: KodiaK

Cum, cât, unde? / Black Friday 2019
« on: 15 November 2019, 21:44 »
@ KodiaK.. m-am Uitat si eu pe site-ul respectiv si am facut ceva cercetari si cred ca e un scam site..vând produse lego contrafăcute sau chiar nu Primești nici un produs..

Toiyoi located at is an untrustworthy online Lego shop. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website because those who shop from it run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all. Unsatisfied online users who have shopped on the untrustworthy website are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded.
The following users liked or thanked this post: KodiaK

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