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Messages - ixtl

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Filme și Seriale / Ultimul serial vazut
« on: 31 December 2020, 12:35 »
Expanse a pornit lentuț.
Primele 5 episoade mergeau concentrate in 3, zic. Chiar și așa, e un panaceu împotriva STD, care n-are episod fără vreo smiorcaială, un fel de Grey's Anatomy in speis. Care și ăla a ajuns o mizerie, din câte mi se povestește, nu că ar fi fost ceva măreț vreodată.

Filme și Seriale / Ultimul film vazut
« on: 27 December 2020, 19:22 »
Mosul: brutal, real, ISIS. Bine jucat, bine filmat. Bun, cam de 8/10. Nu prea multa propaganda si putina drama emotionala pe final.
Bun, bun, Merita un 8.

Filme și Seriale / Ultimul film vazut
« on: 27 December 2020, 02:50 »
Greenland - mai bunuț decât m-aș fi așteptat, un 6.
Legend - Tom Hardy poate, putea și mai bine dacă îl/îi lasau scenariul și regizorul, care săracul îl emulează pe Scorsese, dar nu-i iese. 7 cu îngăduință, un punct fiind pentru imaginea superbă.
The Midnight Sky - God, no. God. No. Mizerie mai mare de la Signs încoace nu am văzut. Bănui că Clooney i-o fi fost dator vândut cu ceva scriitoarei cu romanul, de l-a produs și regizat.
Nu știu, 3?

Filme și Seriale / Ultimul serial vazut
« on: 24 December 2020, 20:05 »
Your Honor
Yeah. Bine construit și dozat.

Expanse, s5, pornește lentuț, ii ia cam 3 episoade să se încălzească și da, inafară de Amos restul sunt aproape plați. Nu toți.

Mi-am făcut curaj cât să mă uit la STD (you know, sifilis, gonoreea, chlamidia, startrek discovery) S3E3
Dios mio.
Marimar printre stele.

Ajunsei pe, sa vad acoperirea post-alegeri, comparativ cu FOX News.
Pe prima pagina, 2 articole
My body went viral twice. This is how it felt, unde o tanti de varsta incerta si obezitate morbida spune cat de dificila e integrarea sociala si cat de mult conteaza body image&shit (no shit). Nici un cuvant despre sanatate si efectele pe termen mediu si lung ale unei obezitati morbide.

Olympic high jumper pressured to 'perform better' [nu zau] and lose a few pounds

The rejection was brutal. At the age of 16, Priscilla Frederick-Loomis attended a model agency casting session in New York City where she was told that she was "too heavy."
Ce surpriza, nu oricine ajunge sa faca modelling. Nu m-as fi aspteptat.
"I'm going to use track and field as a way to make a name for myself,"
Fantastic. Bravo.
Pursuing a career in track and field hasn't been easy.
Ce surpriza. Nemaipomenit.
If the modelling industry left Loomis scarred and dissatisfied with her shape, then perceptions of her weight have also impacted her sporting ambitions.
Finally, zici ca incep sa-si dea seama de problema. Dar nu. Le trece.
Am tot vazut  derapaje de-ale CNN de-a lungul ultimilor ani, cea mai mare fiind chestia de anul asta cu Trump la Mount Rushmore, un simbol al white power&slavery sau ceva de genul. 
Dar, ce pot spune, adult fiind oricine, sa mai continue sa iei CNN in serios da dovada unor probleme grave cu percepera realitatii.
Dar ajung sa fiu convins ca CNN - si probabil nu doar ei, daca e sa puricam marile news establisments - is waaay down the rabbit hole.

Filme și Seriale / Ultimul serial vazut
« on: 23 October 2020, 00:34 »
STD S3 - E1 - interesanta premisa, realm-ul, Book, pisica. M-oi fi târșâit eu între timp, dar teatralismul lui Burnham (et al.) nu mă mai impresionează. Poate e exagerat aici și nu-mi mai dau eu seama.
E2 - interesant in continuare realm-ul, dar să-mi bag picioarele dacă înafară de Georgiou și inginera aia cu sarcasmul în sânge îmi pasă de vreun alt personaj. Prost filmat, montat, dialogurile și reacțiile (în general, la orice) sunt aproape cretin-infantile.
Nu. Are. Stil.
S1 a avut el ceva, dar l-au dat de gard in S2. A fost o impresie puțin, in E1, că și-ar fi revenit. P*la. TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, până și aiureala de Enterprise aveau un ceva. Aici nix. Nada. Și e vorba de S3, nu de pilotul unei serii complet noi, despre care nu știe nimeni incotro se îndreaptă.

Dacă-mi aduc aminte de el, poate-o să-mi pierd timpul și cu restul, poate după ce va fi fost lansat complet.

Filme și Seriale / Ultimul serial vazut
« on: 12 October 2020, 01:50 »
Cand nu intelegeti reluati episoade sau cititi de la altii:
Ce sa zic, la mine nu e vorba de ne-inteles, e vorba de pierdut suspension of disbelief. Care e ca pasărea virginității, s-a dus, s-a dus. A fugit puiu' cu ața. Gata.
Pe final Raised by wolves intra in era "Aliens", vorbim de Prometheus si Alien: Covenant.
Sincer, mulțumesc, m-ai scutit de inca vreo 4-5 ore pierdute până să ajung la o senzație vomitivă fără de echivoc. :D.

In other news, reiterez To the lake, narativ, actoricesc, directoricesc și cu momente geniale pe alocuri se pișă pe Walking dead, din care-am rezistat un sezon și un pic până mi-a fugit puiu' cu ața și la ăsta.

Filme și Seriale / Ultimul serial vazut
« on: 11 October 2020, 01:06 »
The Boys - S2 - Yeah!
Raised by wolves - mi-a fost recomandat, oh, my, wow, Ridley Scott! M-am oprit la ep.5, cand a inceput sa nu-mi mai pese de ceea ce se intampla.
Epidemiya / Vongozero / To the lake - serial rusesc, 2019, dragut, reuseste sa ma tina sa tot vad si urmatorul episod. Nu e neaparat original, revolutionar, non-sablonard, dar e o perspectiva putin diferita pe o tema deja clasica - zombies/infectati, lumea si civilizatia se duc dracului, etc, etc...

Star Trek: Discovery , un serial foarte bun cu tehnologie, merita vazut!
Am râs!

Ce pmea se intampla in Raised by wolves???

Au bagat atat de multe elemente total ne-explicate ca sunt 100% in ceata. Si asta pe final de sezon ...
Maybe they're trying to pull a Lost on everyone ;)

Politică / Donald Trump - un presedinte controversat
« on: 05 October 2020, 12:08 »
Pe masura ce trece timpul se transforma intr-un Ceausescu american, doar ca mult mai infantil, mai prost, mai dement  si mai cu gura mare, fara sa construiasca  mai nimic. 
Ii acuza pe democrati ca sunt niste "comunisti", dar el care interzice companii private si afaceri internationale  ca Tik Tok sau Huawei pe teritoriul SUA in pur stil protectionist, acorda cecuri de 1000 dolari fiecarui cetatean american la modul populist,  vrea sa interzica avortul, isi dedica propriul cult al personalitatii  crezandu-se un Mesia si o arde cu discursuri   nationaliste  cretine etc.,   nu este. 
Am ras.
As face exact acelasi lucru cu TikTok si Huawei. Si multe altele. Regimul chinez pozeaza - ca si celelalte foste regimuri comuniste - in cel bland, cel inocent si cel binevoitor cu toata lumea, fiind in acelasi timp de o agresivitate fantastica pe extrem de multe planuri, agresivitate mult mai acerba decat cea de care au dat dovada multe state 'capitaliste' de-a lungul secolului XX.
Trump - nu el direct, ci via administratie si cei care au puterea de decizie in Congres - acorda cecuri de 1000$ pentru cei - multi - care raman fara job din cauza pandemiei. Cat de multi beneficiaza de masura asta populista, si cat de mult ii va ajuta pe termen mediu, e o alta poveste.
Avorturile sunt o problema extrem de veche, nu e ca si cum Trump ar fi venit cu ideea asta de nicaieri, exista un lobby puternic de decenii care promoveaza limitarea lor.
Trump are multe bube, e poate cea mai proasta alegere pentru un presedinte de republica federala, dar cele de mai sus sunt printre cele mai minore.

Chit ca e reales, oricum nu o sa incheie cel de-al doilea nu o sa fie cu final fericit  , ci cu o revolutie live ca in 1989, cu el ca    primul presedinte american din istorie care va fi  rasturnat de la putere si condamnat la inchisoare.
Da, e visul umed al tuturor retarzilor de extrema stanga din US. Asa cum presedintia lui Trump, salvatorul este visul umed al tuturor retarzilor de extrema dreapta. Culmea este a - asa cum exista in randul republicanilor o miscare anti-Trump, si in randul democratilor exista ideea ca, in actuala situatie interna din US, mai degraba Trump si nu Biden va putea calma agitatii revolutionari.

Generalităti / Revolte 2020
« on: 29 August 2020, 23:59 »
One Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting
When I use the word looting, I mean the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot. That's the thing I'm defending. I'm not defending any situation in which property is stolen by force. It's not a home invasion, either. It's about a certain kind of action that's taken during protests and riots.
Nu credeam ca as ajunge sa spun asa ceva vreodata, dar fetele si flacaii astia sunt bolnavi mental. Retarzi, Idioti, Imbecili. Sau combinatii, permutari si aranjamente de.
Spalati atat de bine pe creier la modul активные мероприятия, ca sa-l citez pe , incat sunt pierduti pentru ceea ce numim in mod generic civilizatia occidentala.

Generalităti / Revolte 2020
« on: 12 August 2020, 23:12 »
Cu câteva zile inainte de alegeri în Belarus au fost arestați cam 30 de indivizi presupuși a fi mercenari Wagner. Cu suportul (și/sau presiunea) serviciilor ucrainiene. Una dintre ipoteze ar fi fost că erau în tranzit către Siria, Venezuela, Libia sau altă țară.
Sau poate că nu...
Media MSM din lumea  'liberă' mi se pare extrem de tăcută în povestea asta (spre deosebire de povestea tentativei de lovitură de stat din Turcia, care a fost instrumentata mai mult ca sigur de US, iar MSM era în extaz sau pe-acolo) , iar ceva gen RT este foarte sec și jurnalistic asupra subiectului.

Generalităti / Revolte 2020
« on: 12 August 2020, 10:49 »

Algebra, geometry perpetuate white privilege
Gutierrez worries that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege because "emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi" give the impression that math "was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."
She also worries that evaluations of math skills can perpetuate discrimination against minorities, especially if they do worse than their white counterparts
Sigur, nu e cam si cum ar avea cunostinte sau o educatie solida in matematica, are un B.A. in biologie umana si un PhD. in stiinte sociale

I haven't been on Twitter since March, but I'm on today bc I need ppl to consider how they can support colleagues and reframe the nastiness taking place though 2 + 2 = 4. It's no coincidence that womxn (of color) are being targeted! #takebackmath #mtbos #iteachmath

Post Merge: 14 July 2020, 00:39
Și da, no comment...
Defapt da, comment, deconstructivism tipic, dacă nu identic cu cel al Khmer Rouge în Cambodgia anilor '70

In the 1980s, when I was a young professor of physics and astronomy at Yale, deconstructionism was in vogue in the English Department. We in the science departments would scoff at the lack of objective intellectual standards in the humanities, epitomized by a movement that argued against the existence of objective truth itself, arguing that all such claims to knowledge were tainted by ideological biases due to race, sex or economic dominance.
It could never happen in the hard sciences, except perhaps under dictatorships, such as the Nazi condemnation of “Jewish” science, or the Stalinist campaign against genetics led by Trofim Lysenko, in which literally thousands of mainstream geneticists were dismissed in the effort to suppress any opposition to the prevailing political view of the state.

Or so we thought. In recent years, and especially since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, academic science leaders have adopted wholesale the language of dominance and oppression previously restricted to “cultural studies” journals to guide their disciplines, to censor dissenting views, to remove faculty from leadership positions if their research is claimed by opponents to support systemic oppression.

In June, the American Physical Society (APS), which represents 55,000 physicists world-wide, endorsed a “strike for black lives” to “shut down STEM” in academia. It closed its office—not to protest police violence or racism, but to “commit to eradicating systemic racism and discrimination, especially in academia, and science,” stating that “physics is not an exception” to the suffocating effects of racism in American life.
While racism in our society is real, no data were given to support this claim of systemic racism in science, and I have argued elsewhere that there are strong reasons to think that this claim is spurious. The APS wasn’t alone. National laboratories and university science departments joined the one-day strike. The pre-eminent science journal Nature, which disseminates what it views as the most important science stories in a daily newsletter, featured an article titled “Ten simple rules for building an anti-racist lab.”

At Michigan State University, one group used the strike to organize and coordinate a protest campaign against the vice president for research, physicist Stephen Hsu, whose crimes included doing research on computational genomics to study how human genetics might be related to cognitive ability—something that to the protesters smacked of eugenics. He was also accused of supporting psychology research at MSU on the statistics of police shootings that didn’t clearly support claims of racial bias. Within a week, the university president forced Mr. Hsu to resign.

At Princeton on July 4, more than 100 faculty members, including more than 40 in the sciences and engineering, wrote an open letter to the president with proposals to “disrupt the institutional hierarchies perpetuating inequity and harm.” This included the creation of a policing committee that would “oversee the investigation and discipline of racist behaviors, incidents, research, and publication on the part of faculty,” with “racism” to be defined by another faculty committee, and requiring every department, including math, physics, astronomy and other sciences, to establish a senior thesis prize for research that somehow “is actively anti-racist or expands our sense of how race is constructed in our society.”

When scientific and academic leaders give official imprimatur to unverified claims, or issue blanket condemnations of peer-reviewed research or whole fields that may be unpopular, it has ripple effects throughout the field. It can shut down discussion and result in self-censorship.

Shortly after Mr. Hsu resigned, the authors of the psychology study asked the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science to retract their paper—not because of flaws in their statistical analysis, but because of what they called the “misuse” of their article by journalists who argued that it countered the prevailing view that police forces are racist. They later amended the retraction request to claim, conveniently, that it “had nothing to do with political considerations, ‘mob’ pressure, threats to the authors, or distaste for the political views of people citing the work approvingly.” As a cosmologist, I can say that if we retracted all the papers in cosmology that we felt were misrepresented by journalists, there would hardly be any papers left.

Actual censorship is also occurring. A distinguished chemist in Canada argued in favor of merit-based science and against hiring practices that aim at equality of outcome if they result “in discrimination against the most meritorious candidates.” For that he was censured by his university provost, his published review article on research and education in organic synthesis was removed from the journal website, and two editors involved in accepting it were suspended.

An Italian scientist at the international laboratory CERN, home to the Large Hadron Collider, had his scheduled seminar on statistical imbalances between the sexes in physics canceled and his position at the laboratory revoked because he suggested that apparent inequities might not be directly due to sexism. A group of linguistics students initiated a public petition asking that the psychologist Steven Pinker be stripped of his position as a Linguistics Society of America Fellow for such offenses as tweeting a New York Times article they disapproved of.

As ideological encroachment corrupts scientific institutions, one might wonder why more scientists aren’t defending the hard sciences from this intrusion. The answer is that many academics are afraid, and for good reason. They are hesitant to disagree with scientific leadership groups, and they see what has happened to scientists who do. They see how researchers lose funding if they can’t justify how their research programs will explicitly combat claimed systemic racism or sexism, a requirement for scientific proposals now being applied by granting agencies.

Whenever science has been corrupted by falling prey to ideology, scientific progress suffers. This was the case in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union—and in the U.S. in the 19th century when racist views dominated biology, and during the McCarthy era, when prominent scientists like Robert Oppenheimer were ostracized for their political views. To stem the slide, scientific leaders, scientific societies and senior academic administrators must publicly stand up not only for free speech in science, but for quality, independent of political doctrine and divorced from the demands of political factions.

Mr. Krauss a theoretical physicist, is president of the Origins Project Foundation and author of “The Physics of Climate Change,” forthcoming in January.

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