Author Topic: Starfield  (Read 19368 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

« Reply #105 on: 24 September 2023, 05:01 »
Doar cine il joaca poate intelege de ce l-au facut cum l-au facut. Poti coborî pe planete in mai multe locuri si e mai mult decat suficient cat te poti plimba in orice zona accesibila. Nu foloseste la nimic sa te poti plimba un an intreg pe o planeta comuna, cum ar fi Marte de ex.. Iar faptul ca nu poti manevra navele in timp real e o solutie care elimina o gramada de complicatii tehnice. Altfel ar fi incercat-o lumea de 2-3x maxim si s-ar fi plictisit intr-un timp pierdut inutil, iar jocul ar fi fost incarcat masiv cu ceva folosit probabil sub 0,001% din investitia tehnica necesara. Teleportarile sunt de departe cea mai buna solutie. E bine ca sunt si in varianta cea mai rapida, fara scene cu decolari si aterizari.

Iar personajele chiar sunt pline de viata si in general poti discuta cu ele mai mult decat in majoritatea jocurilor, expresia fetei se modifica in functie de starea emotionala oferita de discutii. Cel mai probabil nu ati intrat in joc si comentati relativ la toate prostiile postate pe net in care haterii exploateaza niste situatii punctuale pe care le cauta cu lumanarea.

Sa vedem ce o sa mai scorniti si despre CP peste doua zile.

Offline astateofmind

« Reply #106 on: 24 September 2023, 06:42 »
Mai putin sa explorezi o planeta, intr-un joc despre, wait for it, explorarea de planete :D
In caz ca nu stiai, cand aterizezi pe o planeta ai voie sa te plimbi pe o raza de 1-2km. Daca incerci cumva sa depasesti limita asta te lovesti de un foarte realist zid invizibil.
Sau, mai putin sa calatoresti de pe o planeta pe alta in timp real. Again, foarte ciudata dorinta intr-un joc despre explorarea spatiala...

Si ce e cel mai distractiv? Ei numesc asta "open world". Si au pretentia ca au drepatate. Pai plecand de la asemenea gogomanie ... nu prea poti sa mai iei in calcul nici un argument ca fiind valabil ...

Post Merge: 24 September 2023, 06:46
expresia fetei se modifica in functie de starea emotionala oferita de discutii.

Da, se modifica, jalnic dar se modifica. Si in FO3 se modifica, la fel de jalnic (este acelasi engine). Daca faci o comparatie BG3 - Starfield la animatii faciale si emotii vei descoperi ca BG3 le are aproape naturale in timp ce Starfield sunt jalnice si puerile (exagerate)

Din nou, diferenta enorma e in ochi. Ochii in Starshield sunt ... dead, nu exprima nimic. BG3 ... au viata frate, se simte ca transmit ceva.

Cel mai probabil nu ati intrat in joc si comentati relativ la toate prostiile postate pe net in care haterii exploateaza niste situatii punctuale pe care le cauta cu lumanarea.

Cel mai probabil bati campii, am spus ca am jucat cam 15 ore.

Alta problema: quests, nu prea exista alegere si nici consecinte .. si tumbanailul videoului urmator e hilar cand vedem ce animatii au caracterele

Post Merge: 24 September 2023, 07:27
AI and Graphics ...

Post Merge: 24 September 2023, 07:59
Asta trece si el prin problemele jocului

Si stii care e faza? Ca sunt o gramada care accepta ca nu este un joc extraordinar si ca are probleme dar joaca pentru ca e fun si le place. Ceea ce mi se pare mult mai onest decat "nu frate, imi place mie deci este un joc perfect si nu are nici o problema ...
« Last Edit: 24 September 2023, 07:59 by astateofmind »
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline KodiaK

« Reply #107 on: 24 September 2023, 12:09 »
Doar cine il joaca poate intelege de ce l-au facut cum l-au facut. Poti coborî pe planete in mai multe locuri si e mai mult decat suficient cat te poti plimba in orice zona accesibila. Nu foloseste la nimic sa te poti plimba un an intreg pe o planeta comuna, cum ar fi Marte de ex.. Iar faptul ca nu poti manevra navele in timp real e o solutie care elimina o gramada de complicatii tehnice. Altfel ar fi incercat-o lumea de 2-3x maxim si s-ar fi plictisit intr-un timp pierdut inutil, iar jocul ar fi fost incarcat masiv cu ceva folosit probabil sub 0,001% din investitia tehnica necesara. Teleportarile sunt de departe cea mai buna solutie. E bine ca sunt si in varianta cea mai rapida, fara scene cu decolari si aterizari.
Macar ai bunul simti sa citesti ce scrie lumea aici, inainte sa dai cu parul. L-am jucat si nu au absolut nici un motiv pertinent de ce au ciuntit in asa hal explorarea.
Cred ca erai in stare sa-l aperi asa infocat si daca nu puteai sa mergi deloc, cu pur si simplu te teleportai in directia in care te uiti. Deh, mult mai conveniant, ce atata mers inutil pe jos.
Si nu era deloc greu de implementat, sau costisitor. Au implementat-o in TOATE RPG-urile pe care le-au scos pana acum. Gandeste-te cum ar fi fost Skyrim daca dupa 10min de mers pe jos intr-o directie te loveai de un zid invizibil, si trebuie sa te teleportezi in alta parte a hartii ca sa se incarce noua parcela pe care ai voie sa te plimbi in voie?

Repet, NMS a putut face asta acu 7 ani cu o echipa de 10 oameni si buget sub 1% din cat a avut Starfield. Suntem in anul 2023, iar complicatiile alea tehnice pe care le indrugi tu acolo erau valabile prin anii 90. Dar la putearea hw din prezent nu poti zice ca e limitare tehnica sa faci zona explorabila mai mare de 1km2. Hai las-o ca macane rau de tot.
Sa vedem ce o sa mai scorniti si despre CP peste doua zile.
CP a reparat cam toate problemele avute la lansare, deci nu probabil nu o fie ceva de criticat.
Probabil ca in cativa ani o sa fie reparat si Starfield, daca nu de Bethesda, at de modder cu siguranta. Deci eu sunt curios ce o sa zici tu cand se repara toate problemele astea "inexistentiale"

Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM

Offline oldshooterman

« Reply #108 on: 24 September 2023, 14:54 »
Forbes: "....................Au reusit. Bucurați-vă. - Scor: 9,5/10"

Majotitatea apreciaza jocul, eu sunt in tabara lor, problema e la voi/restul.

Offline astateofmind

« Reply #109 on: 24 September 2023, 18:27 »

And one of the comments:

My favorite part about Starfield is load screening out of a building to load screen into my ship to load screen to another destination to load screen into that destination to fill out a job application then load screen back into my ship to load screen to my destination to load screen out of my ship to load screen into a building to talk to a guy

Open world my ass.

Post Merge: 24 September 2023, 19:14
Ca idee, ca sa folosim "argumentele" lui olds:

Cei care dau 9.5 lui Starshit clar nu l-au jucat ;)

Post Merge: 24 September 2023, 19:25
Si pana si ala spune ca

"All this dialogue leads to probably the biggest visual weakness of the game. Bethesda’s character models are still not very good. They’re better than they were, but that was a low bar, and it feels dated compared to every other game in this space. It’s a little more emotive than in the past, but in way that feels like someone typed “be more emotive” into the code rather than allowing something like actual performance capture to come through. The voicework is good, the animation is not."

"One issue here is that there’s also a whole lot of loading. For me and my SSD that was okay, but even I noticed it. The worst offender is Neon, the game’s floating cyberpunk city, but while actual Cyberpunk 2077 is a giant, seamless experience, Neon is broken up into very small chunks you have to constantly load between a zillion times, then within those, even more loading for each individual shop or hideout. It’s a lot."

"The game’s oxygen system is terrible, the worst kind of sprint recovery system you can imagine. "

"But “romance” here is writing like “hey I love you.” “I’m happy you said that, I love you too.” It’s not exactly going to go down as one of the all-time great love stories of our time."

"Bethesda wanted to lean more into companions this time around, but I’d say that this, and general character relationships, is where the game suffers a bit. This isn’t Mass Effect, despite being structured the same way with a central ship. And god help Bethesda that they had to come out just weeks after Baldur’s Gate 3, which has the best voice acting, animation and writing of any party-based game possibly…ever."

"The shooting itself feels solid, easily the best in any Bethesda Game Studios title. It’s certainly not Call of Duty or Destiny, but I’d probably rank its gunplay above the recent Cyberpunk 2077. "

Bullshit, e mult sub CP 2077.

Cel putin individul e onest chiar daca biased. Si individul, contrar lui Olds, subliniaza cateva din partile proaste ale jocului (dar si ignora multe) dar le ignora in nota finala.
« Last Edit: 24 September 2023, 19:25 by astateofmind »
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline KodiaK

« Reply #110 on: 24 September 2023, 19:54 »
To sum it up: Jocul este FOARTE BUN, daca ignori 80% din el :D
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM

Offline astateofmind

« Reply #111 on: 24 September 2023, 20:01 »
Un review "pe bune":

Right, here is my rather long review on Shitfield:

Bethesda Game Studios is a company that broke ground on some truly revolutionary games like The Elders Scrolls: Arena, and its sequel Daggerfall. However a long line of commercial failures afterwards pushed the company to the brink of bankruptcy. Its next game had to be a success to save the company, and the result was TES: Morrowind, a truly fantastic game of incredible creativity, set in a world unlike any seen before. It captured my attention like few other games have when it released in 2002.

Then they released the next game, TES: Oblivion. And they played it safe. Utterly safe. Gone was the fantastic creativity of Morrowind, replaced instead by the most bog standard fantasy world you could possibly create. All elements that could offend anyone were removed or heavily toned down. But it still worked, the joy of freely exploring such a vast fantasy world still held up even if the world was comparatively shallow. And with their next series of games, Fallout 3, TES: Skyrim, and Fallout 4, the formula held up. Successful, but increasingly safe, shallow games plagued by weak writing and increasingly inconsistent lore, held up primarily by the freedom of their open world and the endless modders supporting the games for decades after release.

That brings us to Starfield, the latest game from Bethesda, their first new IP in ages, and the final destination of their increasingly lazy, uninspired and utterly "safe" game design. Though I fail to understand why they were so hell bent on creating a "new" IP when they did absolutely nothing original with it. Starfield does absolutely nothing new, it's just a long series of sci-fi tropes done better by others without adding anything, or putting an interesting new spin on anything. With the recent Elder Scrolls and Fallout games they had the luxury of copying the homework of the great talents that created those franchises, but with Starfield they had to learn to walk on their own, and they faceplant right out of the gate.

The main story is the most tedious, derivative and repetitive slog I've ever experienced in a Bethesda game. Most quests are simple fetch quests, the EXACT SAME fetch quest, repeated for hours on end. The story takes forever to build any kind of momentum, and it barely reaches the pace of a gentle jog before it reaches its final unsatisfying end. It opens to a far inferior version of Mass Effect's inciting event, before going into some pseudo-religious claptrap and ultimately devolving into the most overdone sci-fi trope that has been plaguing popular culture in recent years. You'll know it when to get there, trust me. I can barely describe how much I hated the main story, and it certainly didn't help that I predicted most of the big story reveals along the way.

But what about the open world? It's always carried Bethesda games before. 1000 planets of adventure must be something, right? No. Bethesda dropped the ball here monumentally. The open world is basically a lie, an illusion of content. In truth the worlds you visit are little more than vast empty expanses of open terrain with the occasional copy/pasted structure dotted around. And it's extremely obvious how lazy it is, every "random" structure is identical down to the placement of every last item, enemy, and decoration. Worse yet is the fact that you can't fly directly to the structures, nor are there any kinds of mounts or vehicles available so you'll spend vast amounts of time walking to things. At least you can fast travel back, and good god you have to fast travel a lot in this game. Enjoy the loading screens.

The worldbuilding is some of the worst I've ever seen. There's no depth to anything. In playing it safe, every faction is just a generic stock entity, "space law enforcement", "space bank", "space bandits", "space pirates". Every character is a basic cardboard cutout, with terrible facial animations and wooden acting to boot. All animal and plant life across the galaxy is basically the same models, just with different names. It's all so bland and repetitive I can barely remember the names of any of the characters I encountered. There's nothing to distinguish one person or place from any other. Every area is equally diverse, with no distinguishing features to set them apart from any other. The worst example of this I experienced is when I found a 200 year old generation ship, launched at sublight speed from Earth to colonize another planet, and I discovered the people born and raised on said ship all spoke with clearly distinct Earth accents like Russian, African, English etc. Are you joking? Did the Africans isolate themselves in a ghetto in Cargo Bay 3 for two centuries? Did the Russians conquer and establish a fiefdom on deck 9? Bethesda's writers have clearly never experienced a truly multicultural society, because it doesn't work like this. After growing up together in a community sealed inside a spaceship they should speak the same English accent, and probably a strange form of English that distinctly diverged from what everyone else speaks after two centuries in isolation. But that idea was just too clever for Bethesda.

Then there are the bugs, of which there are many. This is pretty much part and parcel of any Bethesda game, but needs to be addressed. I've personally experienced a plethora of minor irritants such as t-posing corpses, wild physics and poorly scripted quests and triggers. This on top of many, many crashes and freezes. Save often is my advice. Hard saves, so that you can revert if necessary.

Beyond bugs there are also endless little irritating quirks that makes the game a pain to play. There are no local or interior maps, so finding your way around cities or buildings becomes irritating. Particularly in cities which have been built around long detours to get to anything, most likely to hide how small they really are.
The "skill challenges" you have to complete to progress character skills. It's just another system meant to slow the game down, to pad out the time it takes to get anything done. And the challenges are never anything interesting like, breaking into the secure vault of a band of religious zealots, or hunt a lethal predator loose on a space station that's falling into a black hole. No, it's just a grind. Do X thing Y number of times. I particularly hated having to grind space combat to pump up my Piloting skill so that I could use a ship with longer jump range.
Then there are escort quests, thankfully I haven't found many, but trying to keep a character with the survival skills of a clinically depressed lemming alive is never fun, especially with the sheer number of bloodthirsty aliens the game throws at you.

Ultimately a lot of the game's issues beside the stale writing and uninspired worldbuilding, boil down to engine limitations. The game is built on the back of the aging Creation Engine, which itself is an evolution of the Gamebryo Engine Bethesda has been using since Morrowind, over 20 years ago. Please Bethesda, let it rest. It can go no further.

To conclude, Starfield is all the bad connotations of the word "Bethesda" distilled into one game. This is the final destination for all of the lazy choices, overhyped features, stale writing, and "vast but shallow" design philosophy that Bethesda is known for. What else can I say but this? Bethesda. This isn't good enough any more! Your lazy, half-assed efforts aren't good enough. You had the unmitigated gall to ask 100$ for early access to this uninspired piece of ♥♥♥♥, the worst product you have ever cobbled together. If we are to have any hope of a decent Fallout or Elder Scrolls game in the future, there has to be a serious shakeup at Bethesda. And I doubt Todd Howard is the only problem as some have suggested. For a game to so utterly fail in so many aspects takes a considerable team effort. I can only hope that this game's failure is a wake up call and that the future will see some positive changes.

Final score: Bethesda / 10

But hey, imi place MIE deci toate problemele astea nu exista pentru ca eu aleg sa le ignor ... deci e 10/10

Post Merge: 25 September 2023, 02:01
Oh, si ca sa terminam cu aberation "gamers love starfield"

Pe steam ranking Starfield e in pozitia ... wait for it ... 25599 ... cu un scor de ... 6.7. Gamers si-au spus opinia :D

« Last Edit: 25 September 2023, 02:01 by astateofmind »
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

« Reply #112 on: 25 September 2023, 11:28 »
Bethesda are in dezvoltare un DLC: Starfield Shattered Space (story expansion) care se asteapta a fi lansat in martie 2024. Super!

Offline oldshooterman

« Reply #113 on: 25 September 2023, 20:16 »


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« Reply #114 on: 25 September 2023, 23:24 »
De maine, acest joc o sa fie uitat!

 cu un scor de ... 6.7.

Aia e nota pe care o merita Mass Effect asta dupa ce a fost reparat prin 2018 dupa cateva patch-uri.
« Last Edit: 25 September 2023, 23:43 by peacemaker »

Offline oldshooterman

« Reply #115 on: 26 September 2023, 19:10 »
Asta e doar o dorinta de-a ta, un vis umed personal.  8)
Dupa inca o tura serioasa in Cyberpunk, Starfield ramane optiunea prioritara si unica pentru amatorii de explorare spatiala. Mai merge bine si o tura in ME: Andromeda (joc super dealtfel). Astea sunt jocuri care merita savurate in liniste pe ecrane mari, sonorizare buna, preferabil in intuneric, in conditii de cinema. ;D


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« Reply #116 on: 27 September 2023, 02:28 »
Asta e doar o dorinta de-a ta, un vis umed personal.  8)
Dupa inca o tura serioasa in Cyberpunk, Starfield ramane optiunea prioritara si unica pentru amatorii de explorare spatiala. Mai merge bine si o tura in ME: Andromeda (joc super dealtfel). Astea sunt jocuri care merita savurate in liniste pe ecrane mari, sonorizare buna, preferabil in intuneric, in conditii de cinema. ;D

Că-l ții tu în viață!

Offline astateofmind

« Reply #117 on: 28 September 2023, 02:26 »
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline KodiaK

« Reply #118 on: 28 September 2023, 12:43 »
It's not a bug, it's by design...cea mai penibila scuza posibila :)))
Pe acceasi nota cu "it's a next gen game, you may need to upgrade" Next gen la cerinte hw poate, ca la fizica este la nivel de 2005...
Asus TUF X670E-PLUS | 7800X3D | Lian-Li GA Trinity Performance 360 | 32GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 6000Mhz CL30 | Asus TUF RTX 3080 | Samsung 870 EVO 250GB + XPG Gammix S11 PRO 512GB+2TB + 2xSeagate 2TB | Audigy RX | Sennheiser HD559 | Corsair RM850x | be quiet! Silent Base 802 | ASUS ROG PG27AQDM

Offline astateofmind

« Reply #119 on: 29 September 2023, 05:08 »
This video perfectly explains the situation:

Joc pt idioti :D
« Last Edit: 29 September 2023, 05:12 by astateofmind »
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste