Author Topic: Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui  (Read 45200 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #105 on: 06 August 2019, 00:56 »
Towards artificial general intelligence with hybrid Tianjic chip architecture

"In experiments, the Tianjic-powered bicycle smoothly performed all assigned tasks, signaling a huge leap towards the acceleration of AGI development."

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #106 on: 23 September 2019, 15:31 »
Ati pus-o... "This allows an individuals consciousness to be cloned onto a their very own digital avatar in a Sentient World Simulation on a supercomputer." ;D ;D ;D


Offline astateofmind

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #107 on: 23 September 2019, 20:19 »
Hahaha, that's soo funny.
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #108 on: 26 September 2019, 21:36 »
Emergent Tool Use from Multi-Agent Interaction

"We’ve observed agents discovering progressively more complex tool use while playing a simple game of hide-and-seek."
"The self-supervised emergent complexity in this simple environment further suggests that multi-agent co-adaptation may one day produce extremely complex and intelligent behavior."
Asa ca o curiozitate, armata americana a pus in functiune in urma cu cateva saptamani un program inteligent plasat intr-o retea de supercomputere, care are sarcina sa observe singur (printr-o retea globala deasa de sateliti), sa interpreteze, sa invete si sa traga concluzii despre ce fac absolut toti oamenii de pe planeta(!), sa utilizeze cum crede de cuviinta toate resursele si dispozitivele pe care le are la dispozitie si chiar sa ia masuri fara a se consulta cu factorii de decizie umani, pana la un punct! ;D

Pentru inceput urmareste doar subiecte care tin de aviatie (cel putin asa au declarat), urmand ca in timp sa se extinda si pe restul "campului tactic". ;D
« Last Edit: 26 September 2019, 21:38 by oldshooterman »

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #109 on: 25 November 2019, 21:13 »
In ce stadiu a ajuns Sophia:

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #110 on: 04 January 2020, 23:24 »
DeepMind's AlphaStar AI is now a full-blown StarCraft 2 Grandmaster

"The rise of the machines drew one step closer to reality today, as researchers announced that the Google DeepMind-powered AlphaStar AI has now achieved Grandmaster ranking with all three races in StarCraft 2."

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #111 on: 11 January 2020, 22:25 »

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #112 on: 13 February 2020, 21:17 »
Ceva foarte tare:   ;D

Offline astateofmind

ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #114 on: 11 June 2020, 01:57 »
Ceva similar au descoperit cei de la DeepMind in 2017: Google's DeepMind is teaching its artificial intelligence how to sleep

"It doesn't have to be working on a problem to solve it. It'll fail at something, go offline, and then be able to succeed at that task once it's back online."

Offline Floreadan

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #115 on: 14 July 2020, 10:48 »
Interesanta idee, somnul e ca si cand ai fi off-line.

Offline astateofmind

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #116 on: 21 July 2020, 09:11 »
Probabil sistemul de ventilatie prost si se incalzeau procesoarele :D
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #117 on: 01 November 2020, 00:01 »
A Real ‘Ex Machina’? An A.I. Robot Learns Method Acting to Star in $70 Million Film

"The companies are touting “b” as the first movie in history to be led by an actor who is an A.I. robot." ("...primul film din istorie condus de un actor care este A.I. robot."";D

"Meet Erica, the movie star who may put human actors out of work." (Popular Mechanics)

"For her performance in b, Ishiguro and Ogawa have taught Erica to act by applying method acting principles to artificial intelligence."
« Last Edit: 01 November 2020, 00:03 by oldshooterman »

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #118 on: 30 December 2020, 20:53 »
Impresionant!  BOSTON DYNAMICS Do You Love Me?

"Our whole crew got together to celebrate the start of what we hope will be a happier year:  Happy New Year from all of us at Boston Dynamics!" 

Offline astateofmind

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #119 on: 05 January 2021, 22:47 »
We are so fucking dead ...
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste