Author Topic: Incalzirea globala creste in feedback  (Read 10366 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #1 on: 06 July 2018, 22:09 »
“Even if the world went zero-carbon today that would not save us because we’ve gone past the point of no return.”
Our continuing uneconomic growth makes us complicit in a process that is triggering an ecological catastrophe for our children and generations beyond them. They will justifiably sit in judgment on our failure to have prevented its devastating consequences knowing that we chose to look the other way.”(Dr Mayer Hillman)

Cu mentiunea ca toti ar fi facut si vor face la fel, deci noua sa ne fie bine, astazi. ;D

Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #2 on: 15 July 2018, 15:58 »
Heatwave sees record high temperatures around world this week

"Northern Russia’s exceptionally sunny weather – seen on TV by billions thanks to the World Cup – has caused wildfires that affected 80,000 hectares of forest near the Krasnoyarsk region, which reported daily anomalies of 7C above average. The Western Siberian Hydromet Center has issued storm warnings after temperatures of more than 30C for five days. Climate watchers fear this will accelerate the melting of permafrost, releasing methane – a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2."

"Extreme weather events have buffeted much of the world over the past 12months.."

Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #3 on: 21 July 2018, 19:57 »
La noi e bine, racoare si ploua, dar in multe parti din Europa caldura si seceta fac ravagii: Crop failure and bankruptcy threaten farmers as drought grips Europe
Situatia e dramatica in Australia:

Recent Australian droughts may be the worst in 800 years
Farming crisis worsens: ‘90% of NSW effectively in drought’

« Last Edit: 21 July 2018, 20:26 by oldshooterman »

Offline fatalis

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Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #5 on: 23 July 2018, 22:23 »
A building El Niño in 2018 signals more extreme weather for 2019

"The U.N. estimates the 2016 El Niño directly affected nearly 100 million people worldwide, not to mention causing permanent damage to the world’s coral reefs, a surge in carbon dioxide emissions from a global outbreak of forest fires, and the warmest year in recorded history."

Intre timp sansele de a se forma un nou El Niño au crescut spre 80-90%.

Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #6 on: 24 July 2018, 23:12 »
Situatia e catastrofala in Japonia: Japan recorded its highest temperature ever


Offline fatalis

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Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #7 on: 25 July 2018, 11:43 »
Da. Peste 12000 heat strokes si sute de oameni morti in Japonia.
In Estul Atenei nu ai cu sa te lupti impotriva incediului. vant de 60-100km cu flacari.

Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #8 on: 26 July 2018, 21:12 »
US Southwest Suffering Heat And Drought Not Seen Since The 1930's Dust Bowl

"Large portions of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah are already at the highest level of drought on the scale."
"What we are facing is not “apocalyptic” quite yet, but it will be soon if the rain doesn’t start falling."
Deadly forest fires are burning across Greece, and these photos show how 9 other European countries are battling fires amid a punishing heatwave
Fire Apocalypse in Greece
Guys, Our Planet Is on Fire. Here Are The All-Time Heat Records Set Worldwide This Week
Here's How Bad The Heat Has Been Around The World
Global Warming in South Asia: 800 Million at Risk


Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #9 on: 01 August 2018, 20:34 »
Se apropie de Europa ceva caldurica - pana la 50*C in Spania si imprejurimi.

Offline astateofmind

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #10 on: 01 August 2018, 22:15 »
Valul asta de incendii o sa cam dea peste cap ecosistemul si mai mult. Se reduce vegetatia pe de o parte si se elibereaza si mai mult co2 in atmosfera. Efect dublu. Si nici nu prea se simte o rezolvare in viitorul apropiat (ceva ploaie, reducere a secetei) in zonele respective.
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline Bro

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Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #11 on: 02 August 2018, 21:45 »
Mda, parca incepe sa semene cu plot-ul lui "the after day of tomorrow".
E complicat sistemul climatic. Prea multe variabile in relatii nu complet cunoscute si intelese.
Zici ca incendiile ar insemna si mai mult CO2 eliberat dar si mai putina vegetatie care sa absoarba. Ciclu vicios. Ghetarii si calotele se vor topi si mai mult, adica si mai putina radiatie solara reflectata... devine mai cald... care va creste rata de evaporare, deci mai multi nori care sa blocheze lumina si spera unii ca asta ar compensa din incalzire. Dar vaporii de apa sunt si ei gaz cu efect de sera. Adica tot nu e bine. Dar poate mai mult CO2 va incuraja vegetatia. Nu neaparat copacii, ca p-aia ii taiem mai repede decat cresc, ci algele marine sa care absoarba dioxid suplimentar. Dar stai, ca astea prefera apa mai rece si din pacate si apa se incalzeste, fiind afectati si curenti oceanici (afluxu de apa dulce => RIP clima blanda din Marea Britanie cica). Unde-i telecomanda sa pornesc AC-ul. :cutit in cap:

Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #12 on: 03 August 2018, 01:10 »
E doar inceputul...
Situatia devine catastrofala in ceea ce priveste culturile agricole in mai multe zone de pe planeta. Asta inseamna evident o crestere a preturilor la alimente.
Se agraveaza si problemele legate de apa potabila...
"This heatwave is just the start. Britain has to adapt to climate change, fast..."(theguardian). Povesti. Politicienii n-au timp de asta, nici la ei, nici la noi, nici in alte parti...  ;D

Dintre pesimisti, tipul asta ramane cel mai tare, de departe: Prof. Guy McPherson
"He is best known for promoting the idea of near term extinction (NTE), a term he coined about the possibility of human extinction as soon as 2030.";D

"We're heading for a temperature within that span that is at or near the highest temperature experienced on Earth in the last 2 billion years."
"We don't have 10 years. The problem is when I give a number like that, people think it's going to be business as usual until nine years [and] 364 days." ;D

Daca calculele lui se apropie macar la 25% de realitate, tot o sa gustam dintr-o situatie catastrofala in cativa ani.  ;D

El se bazeaza in mare masura pe posibilitatea unor emisii masive de gaz metan din zona permafrostului, pe masura ce se incalzeste clima. Alti specialisti sustineau pana de curand ca asta nu constituie un pericol iminent si major. Dar studii foarte recente indica ca e...

The permafrost bomb is ticking

"...It is likely a decent guess to speculate that the permafrost, and indeed the Arctic as a whole, is already at or very near a tipping point. The basis for such a claim is the simultaneous shift towards tipping points in a number of interconnected systems, many of which are positive reinforcing feedback mechanisms."

Offline fatalis

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Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #13 on: 08 August 2018, 16:27 »
''El se bazeaza in mare masura pe posibilitatea unor emisii masive de gaz metan din zona permafrostului, pe masura ce se incalzeste clima. Alti specialisti sustineau pana de curand ca asta nu constituie un pericol iminent si major. Dar studii foarte recente indica ca e...''

Spuneam de lucrul asta de acum 10 ani, este super periculoasa si situatia asta si pe deasupra apar pungi de metan , in urma topirii banchizei de la polul Nord.

Dar este foarte usor sa fim indiferenti la tot ce se intampla, la fel cum am fost si pana acum. si eu cred ca este foarte probabil NTE, dupa ce esti un pic atent si faci o sinteza la toate stirile despre acest subiect. Mi se pare cel mai catastrofal an 2018 de pana acum.

Offline oldshooterman

Incalzirea globala creste in feedback
« Reply #14 on: 09 August 2018, 12:32 »
"Our ability to keep Earth habitable may be more limited than we realize."
"Human activity could push the planet over a number of tipping points that would cause global temperatures to rise even higher than we've driven them already, according to a new paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."
"The research suggests that certain natural systems on the planet could be activated by warming and consequently trigger further warming. In that situation, Earth's average temperature might reach 4 or 5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures."

The paper's authors refer to this scenario as "Hothouse Earth."

"If this were to happen, the world would become far warmer than it's been for at least the past 1.2 million years." ;D

Deci inca suntem doar la aperitiv.