Author Topic: Science - News  (Read 11416 times)

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Offline Gex

Science - News
« Reply #15 on: 21 September 2018, 19:41 »
Ai dreptate, am corectat, merci!

Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #16 on: 22 September 2018, 02:04 »

Pe scurt: FBI a inchis urgent un observator solar. Nu se stie de ce dar FBI e pe felie si nu da detalii. Ori au vazut ceva dubios gen asteroid, explozie solara sau ceva dubios sau au filmat cine stie ce mizerii militare din zona ? Stay tune. Poate e nimic, poate o fi ceva.
(Reuters) - "The mysterious 11-day closure of a New Mexico solar observatory stemmed from an FBI investigation of a janitor suspected of using the facility’s wireless internet service to send and receive child pornography, federal court documents showed on Wednesday." ;D

Offline Gex

Science - News
« Reply #17 on: 22 September 2018, 18:44 »
Ceva mai devreme cineva scria:

Offline Ciocanul

Science - News
« Reply #18 on: 22 September 2018, 21:28 »
Deci omuletii verzi inca nu ne cauta. :)

Offline Gex

Science - News
« Reply #19 on: 26 September 2018, 15:30 »

Offline Pruny

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Science - News
« Reply #20 on: 05 November 2018, 21:05 »
Potato PC: i5 3450S, Radeon 470, 8gb ddr3, 64gb hdd, sursa ultron

Offline Korn

Science - News
« Reply #21 on: 22 November 2018, 13:41 »
aeronautics experts at MIT have flown a radically different type of plane that is thrust through the air using just electricity and the movement of ions, a type of silent drive without moving parts out of science fiction.

Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #22 on: 05 January 2019, 21:37 »
Au aparut ferme de carne crescuta in bioreactoare, din celule stem, respectiv fara animale vii. ;D


Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #23 on: 09 January 2019, 11:14 »

Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #24 on: 25 January 2019, 12:39 »

Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #25 on: 26 January 2019, 13:36 »
O echipa de neurologi de la Universitatea din San Diego, California, au anunțat că "au observat pentru prima dată activitate electrică spontană care seamănă cu undele cerebrale umane într-un mini-creier crescut in laborator."

Lab-grown ‘mini brains’ produce electrical patterns that resemble those of premature babies


Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #26 on: 27 February 2019, 21:03 »
US military agency invests $100m in genetic extinction technologies

Articolul e din 2017, deci care e "noutatea"? Noutatea e ca in urma cu cateva saptamani s-a publicat faptul ca au reusit sa aplice tehnologia si la mamifere...

Pentru cei care n-au chef sa caute detalii: "Genome editing is a weapon of mass destruction." (James Clapper, U.S. director of national intelligence)
Adica e o arma mult mai puternica si mai eficienta decat armele nucleare. Poate duce la extinctie orice specie, in decursul a 2-3 generatii!  8)

Offline oldshooterman


Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #28 on: 13 April 2019, 02:43 »
Scientists put human gene into monkeys to make them smarter, human-like

"For the first time, a team of Chinese scientists made use of gene-editing techniques to make monkey brains more human-like. By the end, the monkeys, rhesus macaques, got smarter and had superior memories as compared to the unaltered monkeys." 8)


Offline oldshooterman

Science - News
« Reply #29 on: 20 April 2019, 21:27 »
Dupa "carne fara animale vii", urmeaza "cafea fara boabe de cafea"... ;D

‘Molecular coffee’ - Coffee That Doesn’t Use Any Beans