Author Topic: Sfarsitul Democratiei  (Read 2086 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Sfarsitul Democratiei
« on: 18 March 2019, 12:42 »
Incepe in China, se va perfectiona in America, dupa care se va extinde in restul lumii. Scopul? Controlul total asupra populatiei in speranta ca va putea fi oprita prabusirea "sistemului". ;D

Incep cu asta: "Of course, many people who read dire predictions such as these may be tempted to laugh at the idea that such a system could be implemented in the United States, one thing is for sure – the Chinese aren’t laughing. And we shouldn’t be either." ;D

Social Media, Universal Basic Income, & Cashless Society: How China's Social Credit System Is Coming To America

Partea mai buna: RO fiind mai in urma cu "dezvoltarea", avem ceva sanse ca la noi sa ajunga ceva mai tarziu.
Partea mai putin buna: RO fiind in UE, s-ar putea ca totusi sa nu ajunga suficient de tarziu... (asta sa nu fie interpretat cum ca ar fi rau ca suntem in UE)
De retinut: "Whether it is political opinions, pictures of yourself and your food, or private conversations over Messenger, that data is being sent directly to the corporation and respective governments then have access to that data via a variety of means and they put that data to good use."

Adica orice distribuie cineva online, are potentialul de a fi folosit candva impotriva lui! ;D

AI are grija de tine!©

Offline mache

Sfarsitul Democratiei
« Reply #1 on: 18 March 2019, 16:17 »
Folosesti Telegram, Signal, etc. in loc de FB Messenger, Gmail, Hangouts, etc. si bingo... da' cum americanii sunt mai 'tarzi cand vine vorba de viata lor privata, nu ma mir sa vad cum se dau cu capul de tastatura cu probleme de acest gen...

Offline oldshooterman

Sfarsitul Democratiei
« Reply #2 on: 18 March 2019, 17:01 »
Nu poti folosi nimic impotriva sistemului lor de "supraveghere", sistem creat in interesul cetatenilor... ;D

NSA Utah Data Center - Other Data Collection Initiatives
In an effort to provide even better government services, the NSA has developed special software that unobtrusively collects important information about American consumers in their homes and offices.

While we prefer not to use the term "Flame virus", this data collection program is designed to remotely control common computer functions such as logging keyboard strokes, activating computer microphones and cameras, taking computer screen shots, extracting geolocation data from images, downloading personal files, and sending and receiving commands and data through Bluetooth wireless technology. To reduce the impact on our citizens, the remote data collection program can be periodically embedded in routine operating system software updates. This information will be transmitted for processing and storage in our new $2 billion NSA data center in Bluffdale, Utah."

Adica ceea ce face Microsoft cu w10 in regim de rutina. ;D

A se remarca faptul ca citatul e preluat de pe situl oficial al Casei Albe, nu-i nici un secret, nici o conspiratie, totul e gandit in interesul cetatenilor. 8)


Offline mache

Sfarsitul Democratiei
« Reply #3 on: 18 March 2019, 18:36 »
de la ce face NSA (monitorizare) la ce face China (control direct) e o cale lunga... iar in privinta M$ cu Win10: se rezolva tot acasa, cu un router cat de cat decent

« Last Edit: 18 March 2019, 18:39 by mache »

Offline oldshooterman

Sfarsitul Democratiei
« Reply #4 on: 19 March 2019, 12:54 »
Americanii au ramas in urma, desi au inceput de zeci de ani. Chinezii au inceput doar de cativa ani si au gasit foarte repede o aplicatie practica pentru mase. ;D

China has started ranking citizens with a creepy 'social credit' system — here's what you can do wrong, and the embarrassing, demeaning ways they can punish you

As spune ca unele aspecte pot fi privite ca fiind pozitive, cum ar fi:
- conducerea (autovehiculelor) necorespunzătoare,
- fumatul în zonele pentru nefumători (in special ;D)
- postarea de știri false online
- tentativa de a calatori fara bilet,
- vagabondaj, etc...

Dar altele mi se par mult exagerate, cum ar fi:
- daca cumperi prea multe jocuri video,
- daca te joci prea mult ("la munca, lasa joaca...")  ;D

Offline oldshooterman

Sfarsitul Democratiei
« Reply #5 on: 19 March 2019, 18:20 »
Urmeaza o cenzura masiva pe internetul din UE.

What is Article 13? The EU's divisive new copyright plan explained

"After weeks of negotiations, the trilogues resulted in a compromise wording that finally passed in the evening of February 13."
"Now it's through the trilogues the last step for Article 13 is the final Parliament vote – slated to take place in either March or April. And, assuming it gets passed, from that point EU member states will have two years to absorb the directive into their own laws and work out how to put Article 13 into action."

"In one reaction video the YouTuber Craig Thompson, who has just under half a million subscribers, summed it up like this: "Gamers are dead, you guys are dead, I'm dead, we're all dead, let's go drink."" ;D



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Sfarsitul Democratiei
« Reply #6 on: 20 March 2019, 00:53 »
Nimic nou.
De 15 ani se stia ca vom ajunge sa adoptam modelul chinezesc.

Cine a urmarit topicul cu China-putere mondiala si discutiile cu ablium  de pe defunctul forum CG stie despre ce vorbesc.
« Last Edit: 20 March 2019, 00:56 by TrevorArthur »