
Cine castiga?

Donald Trump
Joe Biden

Author Topic: Trump vs Biden (2020)  (Read 13371 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #75 on: 09 January 2021, 16:16 »
Doar cine nu vrea sa vada, nu vede ce se intampla acolo. Conturile generalului Michael Flynn si a procurorului Sidney Powell (probabil si ale altora "mari") au fost suspendate pe Twitter.  General Michael Flynn Suspended From Twitter

Offline ixtl

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #76 on: 09 January 2021, 21:56 »
Alexey Navalny
1. I think that the ban of Donald Trump on Twitter is an unacceptable act of censorship (THREAD)
2. Of course, during his time in the office, Trump has been writing and saying very irresponsible things. And paid for it by not getting re-elected for a second term.
3. The election is a straightforward and competitive process. You can participate in it, you can appeal against the results, they're being monitored by millions of people. The ban on Twitter is a decision of people we don't know in accordance with a procedure we don't know.
4. In my opinion, the decision to ban Trump was based on emotions and personal political preferences.
5. Don't tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn't ban anyone (not that I ask for it).
6. Among the people who have Twitter accounts are cold-blooded murderers (Putin or Maduro) and liars and thieves (Medvedev). For many years, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have been used as a base for Putin's "troll factory" and similar groups from other authoritarian countries
7. Those who denied COVID-19 exist freely and communicate on Twitter. Their words have cost thousands of lives. And yet, it was Trump who got banned publicly and ostentatiously. Such selectivity indicates that this was an act of censorship.
8. Of course, Twitter is a private company, but we have seen many examples in Russian and China of such private companies becoming the state's best friends and the enablers when it comes to censorship.
9. If you replace "Trump" with "Navalny" in today's discussion, you will get an 80% accurate Kremlin's answer as to why my name can't be mentioned on Russian TV and I shouldn't be allowed to participate in any elections.
10. This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: 'this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter'.
11. If @Twitter and @jack want to do things right, they need to create some sort of a committee that can make such decisions. We need to know the names of the members of this committee, understand how it works, how its members vote and how we can appeal against their decisions.

Offline Nosferat

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #77 on: 09 January 2021, 23:49 »
Un lucru absolut odios sa vad pe altii cum apara cenzura si se bucura ca trump a fost banat, aici nu este vorba strict de trump,este ceva mult mai grav,mult mai serios. Voi stiti cate conturi au fost banate in ultimele 24 de ore? De pe toate platformele ca twitter,reddit,facebook,youtube etc.....cu sutele,si nu conturi genul ca am eu sa are unul dintre voi,conturi cu sute de mii si milioane de followers.

Presimpt un topic nou despre cenzura,ca asta deja nu mai merge la alegeri si trump vs biden,poate ar intra mai mult la topicul de corectitudini politice.

« Last Edit: 09 January 2021, 23:58 by Nosferat »
Ignore list :astateofmind

Offline oldshooterman

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #78 on: 10 January 2021, 17:03 »
Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

Justice minister announces online freedom of speech bill (in Polonia)

"If a special court rules in favour of the plaintiff and the internet service does not obey the ruling it can subject to a fine of up to PLN 8 million (EUR 1.8 million) imposed by the Office of Electronic Communications."

Povesti de doi lei si fara valoare cand interesele depasesc un anumit nivel. ;D

Offline ixtl

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #79 on: 10 January 2021, 21:08 »
Mânie proletară intensifies
People at the US Capitol riot are being identified and losing their jobs
A man wearing his Maryland company's ID is terminated
Navistar, a direct marketing company in Maryland, announced that an employee had been terminated after he was photographed wearing his company ID badge inside the breached Capitol building.
Ăsta și-o merită, n-am ce zice, e mai prost decât prevede legea, și probabil mult mai prost decât media celor care or fi fost la mitingul cu pricina.
Dar restul, ce să zic, nu e bine, tovarăși.

Online Ciocanul

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #80 on: 10 January 2021, 23:53 »
Dar Trump nu poate sa mearga la Fox sa cheme lumea la arme and shiet ? Ii trebuie Twitter neaparat ca sa ajunga la urechile whitetrash-ilor ?

Offline Wagram

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #81 on: 11 January 2021, 09:03 »
Alexey Navalny
1. I think that the ban of Donald Trump on Twitter is an unacceptable act of censorship (THREAD)
2. Of course, during his time in the office, Trump has been writing and saying very irresponsible things. And paid for it by not getting re-elected for a second term.
3. The election is a straightforward and competitive process. You can participate in it, you can appeal against the results, they're being monitored by millions of people. The ban on Twitter is a decision of people we don't know in accordance with a procedure we don't know.
4. In my opinion, the decision to ban Trump was based on emotions and personal political preferences.
5. Don't tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn't ban anyone (not that I ask for it).
6. Among the people who have Twitter accounts are cold-blooded murderers (Putin or Maduro) and liars and thieves (Medvedev). For many years, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have been used as a base for Putin's "troll factory" and similar groups from other authoritarian countries
7. Those who denied COVID-19 exist freely and communicate on Twitter. Their words have cost thousands of lives. And yet, it was Trump who got banned publicly and ostentatiously. Such selectivity indicates that this was an act of censorship.
8. Of course, Twitter is a private company, but we have seen many examples in Russian and China of such private companies becoming the state's best friends and the enablers when it comes to censorship.
9. If you replace "Trump" with "Navalny" in today's discussion, you will get an 80% accurate Kremlin's answer as to why my name can't be mentioned on Russian TV and I shouldn't be allowed to participate in any elections.
10. This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: 'this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter'.
11. If @Twitter and @jack want to do things right, they need to create some sort of a committee that can make such decisions. We need to know the names of the members of this committee, understand how it works, how its members vote and how we can appeal against their decisions.

2. Şi i-a tăiat careva gramofonul pentru cât căcat a mâncat tot mandatul ? Nu. I l-au tăiat când a instigat hoardele de babuini şi s-a ajuns la violenţă, culmea, în Capitoliu. Au murit cinci oameni, dintre care un poliţist care a fost bătut cu un extinctor.  Ce se striga înainte să se intre în Capitoliu ? "Hang Mike Pence !" Unul mai întreprinzător şi pregătise o spânzurătoare pe-acolo, să nu se piardă vremea. Trump nici măcar n-a vrut să cheme Garda Naţională, a trebuit să facă Pence treaba asta, el a insistat la Pentagon.

3. Şi i-a interzis careva să conteste alegerile ? A intentat 60+ procese, în câte din ele a invocat oficial frauda ? Hemoroidul de Giuliani a fost întrebat în instanţă dacă susţine că e fraudă electorală şi a declarat cu subiect şi predicat că nu. Evident că la TV numai căcatul ăsta îl mânca, fiindcă mangleala libertatea de exprimare prindea la buhai. Că Dominion, că Smartmatic, că Chavez, că Venezuela, că China, că extrema stângă, toate butoanele  sensibile ale patrioţilor. Iaca Fox şi Newsmax şi-au turnat cenuşă în cap şi au dat erată după ce Smartmatic i-a ameninţat cu procese.

5. "TWITTER NU FACE NIMIC ! Nici io nu vreau, DAR TWITTER NU FACE NIMIC !" Ce plm de argument e ăsta ? "Îmi sparg hoţii casa în fiecare noapte, dar eu nu mă duc la poliţie, aşa că nici voi nu vă plângeţi."

6 & 7 Câţi oameni au murit din cauza "E doar o gripă.", "Avem doar cinci cazuri, acuşi zero.", "Vine căldura şi dispare ca prin minune.", deşi ştia din februarie că e mult mai periculos decât gripa ? Cine a blocat demersul poştei să le dea tuturor americanilor măşti în aprilie ? Cine a ţinut mitinguri cu zeci de mii de oameni pe timp de pandemie ? "Cold-blooded killer" sounds about right.

9. Altă idioţenie. OANN, Newsmax, Fox, Breitbart şi restul vidanjelor o să-l poată pupa în găoz nestingherite. Twitter are dreptul să dea un şut în cur cui vrea, la fel cum cofetarii ăia au avut dreptul să nu facă un tort ălora doi gay.

Nu-s de acord cu ban-ul, fiindcă mai ales în perioada asta şi imediat după dobitocul trebuia ţinut sub ochi. Trebuia suspendat când sărea calul, dar probabil n-au vrut să mai rişte. S-a văzut de ce e în stare licheaua când e încolţită.

Şi încă ceva. În câte din statele pe care le-a câştigat a contestat alegerile ? Sau acolo democraţia, libertatea şi alegerile au fost fără cusur, l-au furat doar unde a pierdut, nu ?  ;D Şi-n 2017 a zis că l-au furat. Unde-s anchetele, procesele şi grija pentru votul democratic ? Să tot fi trecut vreo patru ani de-atunci. :D
« Last Edit: 11 January 2021, 09:08 by Wagram »
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Offline ixtl

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #82 on: 11 January 2021, 12:10 »
Nu-s de acord cu ban-ul, fiindcă mai ales în perioada asta şi imediat după dobitocul trebuia ţinut sub ochi. Trebuia suspendat când sărea calul, dar probabil n-au vrut să mai rişte. S-a văzut de ce e în stare licheaua când e încolţită.

Partea proasta este ca genul asta de miscari, incluzand si de-platforming-ul sau cancelling-ul Parler este exact in linia naratiunilor (cat de cat extreme la momentul nasterii lor) unor oligofreni gen Trump sau Alex Jones sau Q-Anon si multi altii, care au o multime de saraci cu duhul ca audienta si pe care ajung sa ii educe si sa-i construiasca exact pe panta aia de extrema dreapta, aia despre care stanga democrata - sau nu - tot bate toba de niste ani. Din ciclul 'de ce ti-e frica nu scapi. Ba, ajungi, constient dar mai ales sub-constient sa-ti constuiesti proprii demoni'.
Oricine ai fi, individ, patron de (social) media, consiliu de administratie, CEO, HR, PR manager & shit, iti trebuie ceva maturitate de gandire pentru a asculta niste opinii diferite de ale tale, si de a sti cum sa le administrezi pentru a nu crea o situatie si mai complicata si neplacuta decat cea actuala.

Post Merge: 11 January 2021, 22:38
This just in.
« Last Edit: 11 January 2021, 22:38 by ixtl »
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Offline Cylix

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #83 on: 13 January 2021, 12:00 »
Gold ! ;D ;D
Video Compilation Of Trump Rioters Getting Arrested To Goodfellas Song Goes Viral

7950X3D | Zotac 4090 AMP Extreme Airo | MSI MPG B650 Edge Wifi | 32GB Kingston Renegade RGB Z 6000 |  SSD: Kingston KC3000 2TB+Fury Renegade 2TB+Samung Evo 1TB |Lian Li O11 Dynamic Evo | Lian Li Galahad 360 V2 | Corsair HX1500i | Samsung Odyssey G9 Neo + Zephyrus G15

Offline ixtl

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #84 on: 13 January 2021, 23:15 »
Video Compilation Of Trump Rioters Getting Arrested To Goodfellas Song Goes Viral
Apparently so does the term #DomesticTerrorists
Welcome to a brave new world.

Offline Nosferat

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #85 on: 15 January 2021, 19:12 »

Ignore list :astateofmind

Offline mache

« Last Edit: 20 January 2021, 19:03 by mache »
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Offline Cylix

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #87 on: 20 January 2021, 20:46 »
In sfrarsit a zburat..l-au cam ignorat toti "prietenii lui" republicani la plecare, era cam pustie curtea Casei Albe cand a evacuat-o, e posibil o parte chiar sa il tradeze la Impeachment si sa il termine complet.

Mda, a facut mai multe gratieri de genu, probabil a mai facut ceva milioane rapid  , l-a salvat si  pe ala ce a furat bani din bugetu gardului :D
7950X3D | Zotac 4090 AMP Extreme Airo | MSI MPG B650 Edge Wifi | 32GB Kingston Renegade RGB Z 6000 |  SSD: Kingston KC3000 2TB+Fury Renegade 2TB+Samung Evo 1TB |Lian Li O11 Dynamic Evo | Lian Li Galahad 360 V2 | Corsair HX1500i | Samsung Odyssey G9 Neo + Zephyrus G15

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Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #88 on: 24 January 2021, 00:43 »
O zburat porcul portocaliu, dar cred ca iese de secesiune in urmatorii ani. 
Democratii de pe ambele coaste si republicanii din sud si mideast sunt prea incompatibili sa convietuiasca impreuna.

Offline oldshooterman

Trump vs Biden (2020)
« Reply #89 on: 24 January 2021, 19:02 »
Exact de marioneta asta aveau nevoie:
"Joe Biden said “I don’t know what I’m signing” on camera as he proceeded to sign an unknown executive order. In the video posted to BitChute, an unidentified person told him to “sign it anyways.” ;D