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Stonehenge / Prabusirea Biosferei
« on: 30 May 2018, 22:14 »
Earth's sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn

"As the eminent biologist E.O. Wilson puts it, if humans suddenly disappeared, the world would soon become the lush, biologically rich place it was 10,000 years ago. If insects vanished, ecosystems would collapse and humans would last only a matter of months."

Where have all the bugs gone?
Si poveste clasica de incheiere la majoritatea articolelor de genul asta:

"There are things that can be done to help offset the decline. The replacement of lawns, particularly treated lawns, with native plants, the consumption of organically grown food, a ban on the most harmful pesticides and herbicides – but what’s needed first is information."
Adica nu se va face nimic serios pestru a opri declinul.

Politică / Situatia din Peninsula Coreeană
« on: 27 May 2018, 10:50 »
In mod cu totul neasteptat, in cursul zilei de ieri a avut loc o intalnire surpriza intre liderii celor doua Corei, la granita, dar in premiera in Coreea de Nord.
Liderul sud-coreean se declara foarte multimit de reziltatele intalnirii.

Post Merge: 27 May 2018, 13:45
"I think there's a lot of good will. I think people want to see if we can get the meeting and get something done. We got that done and we can be successful in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, that would be a great thing for North Korea, it would be a great thing for South Korea, it would be great for Japan, it would be great for the world, it would be great for the United States, it would be great for China. A lot of people are working on it. It's moving along very nicely."
"We're looking at June 12 in Singapore. That hasn't changed. And it's moving along pretty well, so we'll see what happens."- Trump

Deci Trump a revenit asupra deciziei si intalnirea programata cu Kim ar putea avea loc tot in 12 iunie.
Moon said he held Saturday’s impromptu summit - the second between the two sides in a month - after Kim asked for a meeting “without any formality”.
“A meeting was held because officials of both countries thought that meeting face-to-face would be better than a phone call,” Moon said, noting that the summit was in line with previous agreements for the two leaders to meet more often."
"The KCNA statement said Kim and Moon agreed to hold high-level talks between their two nations on June 1, and to take steps to quickly implement their efforts to denuclearise the peninsula. KCNA said the leaders also agreed to meet frequently."

Asta inseamna ca sefii celor duoa state coreene se vor intalni din nou peste doar cateva zile. (REUTERS)

Sony / Sony Xperia Z/X/XZ
« on: 27 May 2018, 00:22 »
Un telefon de exceptie - Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium
Primele teste arata o calitate a imaginii foto-video greu de egalat, iar display-ul 4K e unic pe piata. 
Xperia XZ2 Premium Test Results

Oldies but goldies / Black Mesa - Half-Life 1 Remastered
« on: 22 May 2018, 17:32 »
Un joc de referinta pentru genul FPS:

The fan-made Half-Life remake Black Mesa comes closer to completion with a new 'Xen Engine' patch
L-am jucat pana la intrarea in dimensiunea Zen. E un joc de exceptie, pentru cine nu l-a jucat.

Hardware / Noile procesoare Intel (incepand din 2018)
« on: 21 May 2018, 23:36 »
Am schimbat numele threadului ca sa poata cuprinde o gama mai larga de procesoare de la Intel.

Intel’s 8 Core, 16 Thread Coffee Lake-S CPU Makes First Appearance – Early Sample With 2.60 GHz Base Clock, 16 MB L3 Cache
"Coming to the specifications, the chip is going to be the first Intel mainstream part boasting 8 cores and 16 threads. This would be a direct competitor to AMD’s 8 core and 16 thread Zen+ parts which are already available for sale in the market."

Nu cred ca are nimeni dubii asupra faptului ca e vorba despre niste procesoare de top in ceea ce priveste performanta.

Hardware / AMD Navi GPU & Nextgen Architecture
« on: 21 May 2018, 14:13 »
Propun sa pornim de la ce se vehiculeaza in articolul asta: AMD Navi GPU to Offer GTX 1080 Class Performance at ~$250 Report Claims, Nextgen Architecture is The “Zen” of GPUs
Chiar daca cele mentionate in articol nu sunt confirmate oficial, ne putem face o idee despre ce urmeaza. Lisa Su (AMD’s CEO) face presiuni asupra echipei care lucreaza la dezvoltarea cipurilor grafice sa scoata cat mai repede niste produse noi si competitive, chiar daca in prima faza nu se tinteste la varful de performanta atins de Nvidia.
Noile cipuri NAVI e vorba sa fie scoase pe thnologia de 7nm, ceea ce inseamna ca va scadea raportul consum/performanta, un capitol la care placile AMD inca nu stau la nivelul competitiei.
Preturile la actualele pv au scazut considerabil, gasindu-se pe stoc VEGA 64 la ~707 EURO.

Politică / World Headline News
« on: 21 May 2018, 11:04 »
Nicolas Maduro wins Venezuela presidential election Maduro a castigat cu un avans semnificativ fata de urmatorul candidat de pe lista, desi Venezuela se confrunta cu probleme socio-economice grave.
Trump, South Korean leader commiserate over upcoming summit Americanii incearca sa-si asigure un rezultat clar in urma intalnirii dintre cei doui lideri.
Iran says Europe's support for nuclear deal not enough Mari firme europene se retrag din Iran in urma presiunilor facute de americani.
Chinese air force lands long-range bombers on island in disputed South China Sea China isi intereste prezenta militara in Marea Chinei de Sud.
EU economies hit by collapse in investment Nivelul investitiilor a scazut in special in estul si sudul UE.
US, China tentatively agree on ending American trade deficit: White House Americanii au primit ceva promisiuni de la chinezi in sensul ca acestia vor cumpara mai multe produse americane, pentru a micsora deficitul comercial.

First/Third Person Shooters / Metro Exodus
« on: 20 May 2018, 13:15 »
Din pacate lansarea a fost amanata pentru Q1 2019. 

In ultimul an au aparut pe piata mai multe proiectoare video cu rezolutii mari (4k prin pixel shifting), la preturi "accesibile" (sub 2500 EURO), inclusiv cu functie 3D, mai recent.

Printre dezavantaje se pot mentiona contrastul nativ inca redus, input lag mare, unele modele sunt foarte voluminoase si grele, diferite probleme legate de HDR, 3D limitat la maxim 1080p.

La capitolul "alte solutii pentru ecrane de mari dimensiuni" se anunta punerea pe piata a unor ecrane cu structura modulara (ceea ce va permite realizarea de dimensiuni customizate in viitor) bazate pe noua tehnologie MicroLED, care exceleaza in calitatea imaginii, eficienta/W, luminozitate mare, contrast infinit, durata lunga de viata, fara retentie de imagine.

Primul model va fi
lansat de Samsung, , cel mai probabil la un pret prohibitiv in prima faza. Dar Samsung vrea sa faca bani din tehnologia asta, deci preturile  vor trebui sa scada repede (vor scoate si modele mai "mici").

First/Third Person Shooters / Rage 2
« on: 18 May 2018, 19:01 »
A fost anuntata continuarea unui joc care mie mi-a placut: Rage 2: Release Window, Gameplay Details Announced

"Bethesda's calling it "more than a shooter, more than an open world game – it’s a shooterverse."  ;D

First/Third Person Shooters / Stalker 2
« on: 18 May 2018, 18:41 »
Se confirma in sfarsit continuarea unei trilogii de exceptie: Stalker 2

Stalker 2 announced by GSC Game World

"The game is expected to be cast in the same mould as the original trilogy - a first person open world shooter set around Chernobyl."

Se considera ca Inteligenta artificiala poate fi incadrata in 4 tipuri de baza, care pot fi intalnite in diferite situatii.

Pana in urma cu mai putin de un an, (Google) DeepMind era incadrat la Tipul 1 (Reactive machines). Ulterior a fost dotat cu alt tip de memorie si l-au ridicat la Tipul 2 (Limited memory). Dupa doar inca cateva luni au reusit s-al duca la Tipul 3 (Theory of mind).

DeepMind avea un IQ evaluat la 47 la sfarsitul anului trecut, cu un castig de 20 de puncte in 2 ani. Este încă sub un copil de 6 ani (IQ = 55). Dacă se menține progresul cu 10 puncte pe an, acesta ar trebui să atingă un IQ mediu uman de 100 in 5-6 ani și un nivel de super-geniu de 200 în 10 ani.
Mai trebuie tinut cont ca progresul e mai rapid decat s-a anticipat si conform "Legeii intoarcerilor accelerate" a lui Ray Kurzweil AGI ar putea surveni in deceniul urmatotor, in cel mai pesimistic caz in anii 2030. Optimistii vorbesc despre "inainte de 2025".

Va fi interesant de vazut cand/daca va reusi sa atinga  Tipul 4. (Self-aware AI) si la cel nivel de IQ se va produce fenomenul (daca va avea loc).

Pentru cei interesati de realitatea virtuala, Google a anuntat ieri: Standalone Google VR headsets coming from HTC and Lenovo

"Google is working with partners on a standalone VR headset that will support inside-out tracking. The headsets track virtual space with something Google calls “WorldSense”, powered by technology from its Tango augmented reality system. Google is creating a reference design with help from Qualcomm, and it’s also working with HTC and Lenovo for standalone headsets.

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