Author Topic: Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui  (Read 64890 times)

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Offline Bro

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Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #45 on: 02 August 2018, 21:23 »
Cu greu am spicuit articolul de pe "sputniknews..." despre chinezi, cei mai democratici si cinstiti dintre comunisti. Nu ca ar fi ceva de citit...
Pistolare, pe firul despre schimbarile climatice faci treaba buna. Aici insa, nu. :D Imi aduci aminte de baiatul de pe raposatul forum CG care respingea Relativitatea si-o tot tinea pe-a lui.
Nici acum nu te-ai dumirit de cum sta treaba cu bau bau AI?  :o

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #46 on: 24 August 2018, 21:36 »
Man, astea cu AI nu sunt pentru tine.
Scepticii in ceea ce priveste AI, AGI si Singularitatea vor primi o lovitura inimaginabila... Cand vor aparea primele forme de AGI? Niciodata? 2100? 2050? 2030?
Dar de 2018 ce ziceti? 8)

"One of the most significant AI milestones in history was quietly ushered into being this summer. We speak of the quest for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), probably the most sought-after goal in the entire field of computer science. With the introduction of the Impala architecture, DeepMind, the company behind AlphaGo and AlphaZero, would seem to finally have AGI firmly in its sights."

Artificial General Intelligence Is Here, and Impala Is Its Name

Incepe "distractia", incet dar sigur. ;D

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #47 on: 04 September 2018, 00:04 »
Elon Musk’s OpenAI bots crush veteran DOTA 2 players ahead of International tournament

"Team Human did squeeze out a win in the third match, but not without some strings attached. The characters Open AI played were selected by Twitch users, giving Team Human a slight advantage."

Daca se mai antreneaza o vreme botii lui Musk, o sa-i bata pe toti jucatorii umani, fara probleme.


Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #48 on: 05 September 2018, 20:32 »
A devenit operational primul profesor digital. Deocamdata ofera cursuri pe gratis si nu are pretentii la un salariu generos. Compania care l-a creat (Soul Machines) e constienta de potentialul enorm pe care il au "profesorii digitali" la nivel mondial. ;D

Meet Will, your digital teacher

“What was fascinating to me was the reaction of the children to Will. The way they look at the world is so creative and different, and Will really captured their attention."
"Soul Machines Chief Business Officer Greg Cross says education is going to be one of the breakthrough applications for Soul Machines’ technology as digital teachers have the potential to democratize the delivery of education to students everywhere (particularly those in remote communities) and help address the growing teacher shortages on a global scale."

World's first digital teacher 'Will' who debuted in New Zealand was created by an Indian

Din articol e de remarcat cat de mult sunt incantati copiii in urma interactiunii cu Will, in comparatie cu alti asistenti digitali.

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #49 on: 01 October 2018, 00:17 »
Un articol care merita citit: The Spooky Genius of Artificial Intelligence

"AI doesn’t think—it evolves."

"In one test of locomotion, a simulated robot was programmed to travel forward as quickly as possible. But instead of building legs and walking, it built itself into a tall tower and fell forward. How is growing tall and falling on your face anything like walking? Well, both cover a horizontal distance pretty quickly. And the AI took its task very, very literally.

According to Janelle Shane, a research scientist who publishes a website about artificial intelligence, there is an eerie genius to this forward-falling strategy. “After I had posted [this paper] online, I heard from some biologists who said, ‘Oh yeah, wheat uses this strategy to propagate!’” she told me."

"From the perspective of the computer programmer, the AI failed to walk. But from the perspective of the AI, it rapidly mutated in a simulated environment to discover something which had taken wheat stalks millions of years to learn: Why walk, when you can just fall?"

Offline Bro

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Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #50 on: 02 October 2018, 21:56 »

Demis Hassabis: Deep learning is not enough to crack general AI, iar partea cu "deep" e singurul motiv pt explozia domeniului de acum 3, 4 ani.
GPU/TPU-uri fara numar + retele cu zeci, sute de layere + BigData = AI-ul in stadiul curent, cu toate reusitele de pana acum, bineinteles impresionante si ele. Dar nu e nimic mai mult decat pattern recognition (un fel de memorie statistica) sau optimizarea rezultatului unei functii.

"Spooky Genius of Artificial Intelligence"... clickbait, sa fim seriosi. Ultima oara cand m-am jucat cu asa ceva, am incercat sa fac alergatorul din jocul QWOP sa... alearga :D. Pt cine nu mai tine minte sau e mai tanar si n-a prins, asta era un joc Flash in care cu tastele respective controlai incheieturile soldurilor, genunchilor si gleznelor, ideea fiind sa nimeresti secventa optima pt a-l deplasa o distanta cat mai mare, fara sa-l dezechilibrezi, ca altfel se prabusea si game over. Rezultatul primul experiment a fost dezamagitor, dar daca ne luam dupa titlul de mai sus, revolutionar. Urmarind distanta parcursa ca singurul parametru de maximizat, geniul AI (o simpla retea cu un singur layer hidden dens de vreo 10 neuroni) a gasit o solutie inestetica dar valida conform regulilor, in care alergatorul ramanea cracanat pe sol, gen spagat, avand doar niste spasme in membre care-l propulsau inainte foarte foarte incet, dar sigur.  ::) Gasiti exemple si pe youtube.

PS: bineinteles ca se poate obtine un rezultat bun atat numeric cat si estetic (adica poate invata sa alerge) dar cu alte topologii de retele. Google a facut niste experimente legate de locomotie, dar dupa ce am rasfoit lucrarea publicata, eu m-am lasat pagubas.


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Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #51 on: 29 October 2018, 08:35 »
credeam caa threadul asta e despre black mirror - care-i despre AI, printre altele.

ca robotii vor inlocui joburile periculoase, e clar. krauss zice ca ne va fi bine, vom munci mai putin.
si ca trebuie sa acceptam ce urmeaza, asa incat sa gasim solutii, fara panica inutila.

cand masinile vor inlocui soferii, e timpul sa intri in panica. pentru ca toti dobitocii cu carnet vor ramane fara ocupatie. nu ramane decat sa-i faci gameri or some shit. sa inlocuiasca botii facebook si twitter... un fel de maturatori in spatiul virtual.

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #52 on: 29 October 2018, 12:03 »
Partea cea mai distractiva e ca multi incearca sa lamureasca populatia ca se vor gasi alte munci de facut pentru cei inlocuiti de roboti/softuri, in conditiile in care se anticipeaza ca robotii/softurile vor putea sa faca in principiu orice mai bine decat oamenii, adica si eventualele munci alternative. ;D


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Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #53 on: 01 November 2018, 17:57 »
probabil ca meseria principala va fi paznic la roboti si/sau ingrijitor-supraveghetor.

dar nivelul fiind jos, gen.. mecanic necalificat la shop de biciclete - in prima saptamana un alt tip de robot il invata ce sa faca.

Offline oldshooterman


Offline Gex

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #55 on: 28 November 2018, 17:58 »
De la o conferinta de AI (BNAIC 2018, Olanda).

Offline oldshooterman


Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #57 on: 17 December 2018, 22:13 »
O afirmatie interesanta facuta de Hava Siegelmann, Program Manager la DARPA, despre AGI:

"I don’t think we’re almost there in the technology for General AI. I think general AI is almost a branding for a very general idea. Lifelong learning is an example of that — it’s a very particular type of AI. We know the theoretical foundation of that already, we know how nature does it, and it’s very well defined. There is a very clear direction, there is a metric. I think we can reach it in a close time." ;D

Offline Gex


Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #59 on: 19 December 2018, 22:41 »
Din pacate, povestea nu poate fi verificata.  ;D

FACT CHECK: Unproven

"Well, Howe’s points may be valid, but the incident in Japan she refers to is not verifiable."