Author Topic: Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui  (Read 49298 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #90 on: 27 April 2019, 13:50 »
Nori negri la orizont?  ;D

Global Government And Mass Surveillance Needed To Save Humanity, Expert Says

"Bostrom describes a kind of “freedom tag,” fitted to everyone that transmits encrypted audio and video that spots signs of undesirable behavior. This would be necessary, he argues, future governance systems to preemptively intervene before a potentially history-altering crime is committed. The paper notes that if every tag cost $140, it would cost less than one percent of global gross domestic product to fit everyone with the tag and potentially avoid a species-ending event."  8)

E doar un "studiu", dar reflecta nivelul de disperare la care au ajuns unii. Ideea e total aberanta dpdv al aplicabilitatii practice.

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #91 on: 30 April 2019, 22:43 »

Si ceva cu adevarat promitator: Promethean AI automatically generates game scenes, like a bedroom, for human artists

"“We’re an AI company that helps people build virtual worlds for video games or movies,” Maximov said in an interview with GamesBeat. “We’ve got an integration with Unreal” that allows human artists to take assets that were created by others and reuse them in an AI-generated 3D space."


Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #92 on: 12 May 2019, 23:43 »
Cam asta urmeaza sa se generalizeze in viitorul previzibil:  ;D

"Prin utilizarea de dispozitive de monitorizare si indicatori digitali, ziua noastră de lucru este gestionată până la nivel de secundă." - se plânge un angajat.
"Sistemul merge atât de departe încât urmăreaste "timpul de sarcină", pe care compania o abreviază ca TOT (“time off task”). Dacă lucrătorii se desprind de pachetele de scanare pentru prea mult timp, sistemul generează automat avertismente și, în cele din urmă, angajatul poate fi concediat. Unii muncitori din instalații au declarat că evită pauzele de baie pentru a-și păstra timpul în conformitate cu așteptările."

Amazon foloseste un sistem AI pentru a urmări automat și a concedia angajații pentru nerespectarea cotelor de productivitate.

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #94 on: 01 June 2019, 18:09 »
DeepMind AI Learns to Play Quake III

Pentru cine n-are rabdare sa citeasca articolul: Oamenii nu mai au nici o sansa impotriva botilor. ;D

"DeepMind conceded that some of FTW's success could be attributed to the agent's literally inhuman reaction times. (Again: most of us have probably wondered how the heck a bot managed to kick our butts no matter how hard we tried to win.) So it slowed them down and, sure, enough, the agents still beat their human counterparts. To rub salt in the wound, the company said most players also rated FTW as more collaborative than humans." 8)

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #95 on: 06 June 2019, 12:02 »
Deepfake technology - Terminator 2 starring Sylvester Stallone (DeepFake)  ;D

Mai multe pe Ctrl Shift Face YouTube Channel.

"Deepfake technology, which involves the AI-assisted superimposition of images and videos onto others to create the impression that a public figure or celebrity has said or done something that they did not do, is just now starting to be taken to frighteningly-realistic new levels."


Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #96 on: 07 June 2019, 13:13 »
Fussy, hungry, or even in pain? Scientists create an AI tool to tell babies' cries apart

Respectiv, cercetatorii au pus la punct un "translator de urlete" de copii mici, care comunica adultilor motivele pentru care copii plang. Tare si foarte util!


Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #97 on: 15 June 2019, 02:35 »
A new AI acquired humanlike ‘number sense’ on its own  ;D

"In number-judging tasks, the AI demonstrated a number sense similar to humans and animals, researchers report online May 8 in Science Advances. This finding lends insight into what AI can learn without explicit instruction..."
« Last Edit: 15 June 2019, 02:41 by oldshooterman »

Offline astateofmind

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #98 on: 15 June 2019, 03:01 »
I am Mother. Un film de vazut avand ca subiect skynet si care pot fi pericolele(!?) la care ne putem supunem mergand pe directia asta.
ignore list: monier, taribobo,narayanhd,wolfenste

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #99 on: 15 June 2019, 12:08 »
Thanks! Cel putin mie sigur o sa-mi placa. 8)

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #100 on: 15 June 2019, 14:34 »
"Scientists at Stanford are doing their part to create what will be an inevitable dystopian nightmare." ;D

"The software uses machine learning and 3-D models of the target's face to generate new footage which allows the user to change, edit and remove words that are coming out of a person's mouth on video, simply by typing in new text. Not only that, the changes appear to have a seamless audio/visual flow without cuts."

Inceputul sfarsitului. Combinat cu softurile care asigura cenzura stirilor din ceea ce a mai ramas din presa libera, se va putea inscena oricand un "False Flag" pentru a declansa orice conflict, local sau mondial.  8)


Offline duke_zz

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #101 on: 17 July 2019, 17:18 »

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #102 on: 18 July 2019, 12:53 »
Lucreaza de cativa aini la proiectul asta, doar ca multi nu credeau ca e realizabil in viitorul apropiat.
Era vorba ca un scenariu de genul "Matrix like" (simulare) ar putea fi atins pana in 2030, dar sunt indicii ca se va atinge chiar mai repede. 8)

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #103 on: 23 July 2019, 09:07 »
Microsoft a anuntat ca investeste un miliard de dolari in OpenAI, compania in care Elon Musk este cofondator, pentru a crea o AGI capabila sa conduca si organizeze intreaga sociatate umana! ;D 8)

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #104 on: 25 July 2019, 00:55 »
Foarte tare!  ;D

Speech2Face: Learning the Face Behind a Voice

Deci, echipa respectiva de cercetatori antreneaza un soft pentru a reconstrui imaginea faciala a unei porsoane doar pe baza unei scurte inregistrari audio a persoanei respective cand vorbeste!