Author Topic: Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui  (Read 49225 times)

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Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #30 on: 12 June 2018, 01:13 »
Evolutie neasteptata si fenomenala in domeniul AI: Cercetatori din Maryland pretind ca au realizat pentru prima data in istorie General AI (AGI)!!! Detalii in curand!

Pesimistii de pe CG cu care m-am contrazis pe tema asta si care sustineau ca asa ceva nu se arata la orizont vor fi "distrusi"... ;D

In ritmul asta, Singularitatea ar putea sa apara inainte de 2030. ;D Populatia in general nici nu banuieste ce se intampla...

Offline c6t9

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #31 on: 12 June 2018, 01:43 »
Nici nu ar conta. Suntem o rasă destul de tristă, fără perspective mărețe.

Offline Dundee

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #32 on: 12 June 2018, 09:32 »
Trebuie sa fii o persoana interesata de tehnologie si stiinta ca sa tii pasul . Iti dai seama ca marea majoritate a populatiei habar nu are ce se intampla.
Dupa cum zice si c6t9, e trist ce se intampla la nivel mondial, ne intereseaza sa o ducem bine, dupa noi...potopul.

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #33 on: 12 June 2018, 13:38 »
Cine urmareste problema poate constata ca populatia se inmulteste in primul rand datorita celor cu scoala/pregatire si resurse limitate, asa-numita "useless class" (Historian Yuval Noah Harari), iar zonele consacrat dezvoltate si civilizate vor fi invadate de tot felul de imigranti, dintre care imigrantii climatici (cei care provin din zone afectate de modificarile climatice care le distrug sursele de apa si hrana) vor fi in numar covarsitor.

La asta se adauga consecintele inca nebanuite ale dezvoltarii AI, dintre care AGI va pune capac la tot (in sensul ca pentru continuarea dezvoltarii tehnologice grosul populatiei umane va deveni inutila, respectiv consumatori inutili de resurse).
Maryland researchers say they discovered 'Holy Grail' of machine learning

"This is actually a huge deal for the technology sector — a massive step for the case of general AI versus specific AI. "
Urmeaza noutati senzationale despre un salt spectaculos in ceea ce priveste Quantum Computing.

Niste cercetatori au pus la punct un algoritm pentru Quantum Machine Learning care ar putea revolutiona Quantum AI chiar inainte de a incepe!... E vorba ca ar putea eclipsa chiar si Artificial Super Intelligence bazata pe alte concepte de calcul!!!

Inainte cu doar cateva luni era considerat a fi ceva deplasat si SF chiar si a porni o discutie pe ipoteze de genul asta... ;D

Offline Dundee

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #34 on: 12 June 2018, 13:51 »
Degeaba au inventat algortimul ala, daca la nivel fizic qubitul e inca foarte instabil. Plus ca articolele ce folosesc termeni exagerati, din start le privesc cu reticenta, ca is facute intentionat pentru clickbait. Mai toate spun despre inventii ce vor revolutiona bla bla bla...

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #35 on: 12 June 2018, 14:06 »
Chestia e ca materialul teoretic a fost deja publicat, deci nu e vorba doar de povesti: Quantum linear systems algorithms: a primer

Au facut si experiente de principiu pe un hardware inca modest, dar se lucreaza si la hardware.
Pe partea de hardware (nu neaparat pentru computerele cuantice) se fac progrese la fel de spectaculoase.

"By 2020 Dr. Modha (IBM) thinks his team will have made a 10 billion neuron equal system that can fit in a two-liter box and need only 20 watts to operate, that would provide them a desktop operation with roughly 10% the computing ability of the human brain that could simply run on a smartphone battery. Dr. Modha also stated that in order to reach this goal by 2020 he just needs 7nm chips, the FABs for which are now under construction and will be supplying 7nm chips in 2018, two years before of Dr. Modha’s schedule. And IBM has demonstrated that 5nm chips are achievable in the previously."

Adica proiectul ar putea fi gata chiar si inainte de 2020.

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #36 on: 16 June 2018, 09:03 »
Razboi intre boti!  ;D

CGI ‘Influencers’ Like Lil Miquela Are About to Flood Your Feeds

"It doesn’t get more 2018 than this: In mid-April, a Trump-supporting Instagram influencer named Bermuda hacked the account of fellow influencer Lil Miquela, who has over a million followers. Wait, no, there’s more: Bermuda refused to return the account unless Miquela promised to “tell the world the truth”—the truth being that Miquela is not a human being. And in case you haven’t caught on yet, neither is Bermuda. Both are CGI creations."  ;D

Offline Sfantul Vineri

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Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #37 on: 27 June 2018, 21:26 »
Evolutie neasteptata si fenomenala in domeniul AI: Cercetatori din Maryland pretind ca au realizat pentru prima data in istorie General AI (AGI)!!! Detalii in curand!

Au anuntat cand o sa-mi ia jobu? In ultima vreme nu preami mai place.

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #38 on: 03 July 2018, 22:17 »
Show revolutionar de inteligenta artificiala: IBM’s Project Debater

"The machine took part in two debates. The first was on whether there should be more publicly funded space exploration. The second was on whether more should be invested in telemedicine technologies.
Each participant had four minutes to make an opening statement, then a four-minute rebuttal, and then a two minute-conclusion."

"The machine drew from a library of “hundreds of millions” of documents - mostly newspaper articles and academic journals - to form its responses to a topic it was not prepared for beforehand."

Softul a castigat: "votul publicului a fost în favoarea AI ca fiind mai informativ." ;D

Offline Benvolio

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #39 on: 05 July 2018, 20:49 »
Impresionant, totusi a existat un moment cand AI-ul s-a dat de gol ca nu intelege cu adevarat limbajul uman:

At one point, mid-sentence, the AI mentioned the astronaut Scott Kelly and then said “voiceover”, indicating that portion of the argument had been taken from a video transcript.

Simuleaza inteligenta din ce in ce mai bine, dar inca nu e vorba realmente de AGI.
« Last Edit: 05 July 2018, 20:51 by Benvolio »

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #40 on: 06 July 2018, 00:25 »
Pai nici nu a pretins nimeni ca ar fi vorba despre AGI, iar proiectul e doar la inceput. Cu adevarat interesanta e viteza cu care avanseaza lucrurile in domeniu.

"From an AGI perspective, deep learning has stirred imaginations because it does more than what it was programmed to do, for example grouping images or words (like “New York” and “USA”) around ideas, without having been explicitly told there was a connection between such images or words (like “New York is located in the USA”). AI researchers themselves don’t always know exactly why deep learning does what it does."(Matt Turck)

Despre AGI: MIT AGI: Building machines that see, learn, and think like people (Josh Tenenbaum)

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #41 on: 07 July 2018, 22:52 »
DeepMind si Quake III Arena

Cei de la Google antreneaza o echipa de boti (arhitectura de boti numita For The Win (FTW)) care sa se descurce si sa coopereze in jocuri de tip multi-player.

Pe scurt, intr-o varianta de Quake III Arena, modul "Capture The Flag", echipa de boti invinge orice echipa umana, atat in versiunea boti vs oameni cat si in versiunea boti plus oameni vs doar oameni.

Cei de la MIT care au facut review la un studiu pe tema asta (AI shows off winning cooperative team behavior) au declarat ca: "Agentii AI pot colabora, de asemenea, cu jucatori umani - si acei jucatori spun ca programele sunt mai buni parteneri decat majoritatea oamenilor". ;D

Margi Murphy de la The Telegraph, mentioneaza ca un aspect deosebit de interesant consta in faptul ca: "AI DeepMind pare sa prefere tactici psihologice umane ca mod tipic pentru a castiga meciurile - mai degraba decat sa memoreze harta jocului și posibilele rezultate obtinute din anumite miscari". ;D

In urma cu doar cateva ore, Profesorul Alan Winfield si echipa lui de la Bristol Robotics Lab. au reusit sa obtina finantarea pentru un program deosebit de ambitios si interesant:
Autonomous Robot Evolution (ARE)

"In a radical new approach we will co-evolve robot bodies and brains in real-time and real-space. Using techniques from 3D printing new robot designs will literally be printed, before being trained in a nursery, then fitness tested in a target environment (a mock nuclear plant). The genomes of the fittest robots will then be combined to create the next generation of ‘child' robots, so that – over successive generations – we will breed new robot designs in a process that mirrors the way farmers have artificially selected new varieties of plants and animals for thousands of years."

"One of the most interesting aspects of the project is that we have no idea what the robots we breed will look like. The evolutionary process could come up with almost any body shape and structure (morphology). The same process will also determine which and how many organs (sensors, actuators, etc) are selected, and their positions and orientation within the body. Our evolved robot bodies could be very surprising indeed." ;D

« Last Edit: 08 July 2018, 00:02 by oldshooterman »

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #42 on: 09 July 2018, 11:58 »
Trebuie sa fii o persoana interesata de tehnologie si stiinta ca sa tii pasul . Iti dai seama ca marea majoritate a populatiei habar nu are ce se intampla.
Dupa cum zice si c6t9, e trist ce se intampla la nivel mondial, ne intereseaza sa o ducem bine, dupa noi...potopul.
Un articol extrem de interesant in care sunt descrise cateva scenarii posibile despre cum ar putea evolua lucrurile in urma dezvoltarii AI:

What Will Our Society Look Like When Artificial Intelligence Is Everywhere?

Concluzia e foarte tare: "I don’t really fear zombie AIs. I worry about humans who have nothing left to do in the Universe except play awesome video games." ;D
"We’re living in the last era before Artificial General Intelligence, and as usual, human civilization appears quite stupid. We don’t even actively know what’s coming." ;D

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #43 on: 13 July 2018, 15:03 »

Offline oldshooterman

Inteligenta artificiala (AI) - Robotii ne vor inlocui
« Reply #44 on: 01 August 2018, 18:30 »
Un domeniu pentru care putini s-au asteptat ca va fi introdusa Inteligenta Artificiala: Diplomatia! 8)

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Processor: China to Soon Conduct Diplomacy With AI